Feb 19, 2012 18:01
First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
The X-Files, which came out when I was either in 8th or 9th grade.
First fandom in which I interacted (online and in person) with other fans:
Star Wars. We played with the girls up the street who came to our house after school because their mom worked--action figures, running around with blasters, that sort of thing. Likewise with internet fandom, the first thing I ever went to was the Club Jade DC con.
Pairing in the first slash fanfiction I read:
I don't think I've ever read one, at least on purpose, or finished one that turned slashy. (I'm defining slash as sex between non-gay canon characters, not fics with characters who are canonically gay, as I don't consider the latter slash. Would that be slash when gay characters are written as straight? I don't read that, either.)
First RPS I read:
...Not dissimilar from slash, but an even bigger squick. The closest I could say I've read are Titanic officer fics, but those I think of as borderline because they're based on the MOVIE Titanic, and it's hard to resolve what's depicted with the real people.
First fanfiction I read that made me think, YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...
Um...I think I started writing fan fic long before I understood it was a genre. I've never wanted to write like fanfic, I've wanted my fan fic to read like a real author wrote it.
First fanfiction I read that made me think, YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write, really well-written, and also funny...
I'd probably have to look at my favorites list...but a good rule is anything in the Girl Genius fandom, especially geekhyena's Lily Heterodyne stories.
Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:
OC/OC. First real (ie completed) fic with a canon character was Ardsley Wooster/OFC.
First FPS OTP:
FPS? Oh, fictional person. Han/Leia, and Mulder/Scully.
First RPS OTP:
From fic? None. That's freaking creepy and people should stop it. From a historical perspective, Charles and Sylvia Lightoller.
First fandom I wrote in that made me sweat bullets in fear I would fuck it up:
Girl Genius. Especially as I was writing about a character who doesn't get much fandom attention and giving him an original female character for a girlfriend. To say that it got a warm reception is something of an understatement.
First fanfiction writer I collaborated with:
Well, I contributed to a group effort on Sugar Quill to produce a "Magical Animals of North America". And though we haven't done it yet, geekhyena and I got off on a tangent in a comments thread about how Ardsley and Melisande's kids from my fic will get along with the Castle Heterodyne herd of children in HER fic...we've GOT to write that. And while it's not cowriting, dasteroad did bribe me with a movie poster for my first GG fic, "On Her Undying Majesty's Secret Service."
First fanvid I saw that made me think WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!
I don't know I've seen that many. I did love "The Saga Goes On" music video, if that counts.
First fannish friend I met in person:
I cannot for the life of me remember who I met first at DC con. So all the Jaders at DC con!