Building Greyshire - Week Three: Grey

Aug 17, 2012 14:40

Finally! Week Three means the Grey's. The Copur's. And . . . a new family?! Yes, yes it does. Thanks for deciding to read my lil' BaCC. I hope you enjoy and will leave me a comments and/or tip, because they make me happy to know that somebody's reading . . . .
[Week Three - Grey]

7:59 AM

What have I done?
 Linda Grey could hear her family getting ready for the day inside her home. The boys were probably playing with their blocks, Gretchen was getting dressed for school, and Lillian . . .
 She had let this go to far. She had to tell Lillian. Before it was too late.

"Lillian?" Linda walked into their bright kitchen, watching her wife get up from eating her grilled cheese.

Before she could say anything, however, Lillian discovered she was pregnant yet again.

Her face lit up. "Linda! We're going to have another baby!"

What perfect timing,Linda thought with a sigh. Lillian noticed her facial expression.

"Don't worry, you don't have to get pregnant again. I volunteered already." Lillian grinned at her wife playfully. Linda's plain face made me shift uneasily. "Aren't you happy?"

Linda swallowed. How could she tell her now? She cleared her throat and forced a smile on her face. "Of course, love. I'm  . . . too excited for words. Really."

Lillian's smiled widened and she pulled her wife into a hug. "Well, I'd hope so, Mrs. Grey. There's no going back now."

Linda let herself be pulled into a long kiss, her mind going through the past conversation - looking for a way, any way, to get out. She had to tell Lillian what she was thinking. She had to.
 Lillian pulled back. "Well, I have to go to work. I'll see you around 4, okay?"

"Okay." Linda watched her wife leave.

"Ugh," Linda put her hand to her head. Boolprop help me.

Since Gretchen and Lillian were away for the day, Sampson and Elijah pretty much stayed by their activity
 table all day. Which they didn't really mind.

That night, it was time for the first child of Greyshire to grow up.
 Gretchen felt the need to spin. She glanced down at her child sized body. No more grade school, getting swung around by her Moms, and no more going to bed at sundown.

She didn't mind growing up at all.

Gretchen grinned at herself in the mirror. The teenage years. This, she grinned, is going to be fun.

A few hours after his older sister, it was Sampson's turn to grow up.
 The toddler looked around the almost empty room and smiled at his little brother. "Bye, bye, Lijah!"

With a turn and a sparkle, Sampson grew into a handsome child. He looked over his new body and clapped his hands together excitedly. "I can eat all the cookies I want now, Lijah!"

"Me too?" Elijah asked his big brother. "Cookies?"

"Of course, Lijah," Sampson leaned down to tickle his little brother, "that's what big brothers and sister's are for. Gretchen taught me that."

The little boy giggled. "Cookie now, Sammy?"

The little boys were a handful, but Gretchen spent most of her time entertaining them.

"One more time, Gretch?"

"Okay," she relented, "but this is the LAST one, okay?"

"Psssh. You said that three times ago, Sissy."

She didn't mind playing with her brothers at all - in fact, she kind of liked it.

The next few days seemed to fly by the Grey house. Lillian grew bigger and bigger -

a new teenager talked her head off -

Linda worked her business up the ranks -

managing to meet many new friends and make a pretty hefty sum of money -

all in all - life was easy and laid back for the Grey's.

It only made sense to add another ball of energy to the mix.
 Lillian groaned as she felt the familar pains hit her.This, she promised herself, is the last one.

Before she knew it, her baby was born. He was exactly like his older brothers - eyes, hair, skintone, everything.  She held the newborn up and watched his eyes light up. "Welcome home, little one."

She looked over her new son proudly. "You," she tickled him, "look like a Dylan."
 And so Dylan Grey became the newest member of the Grey household.

Needless to say, he was fawned over relentlessly.

For his few days of babyhood, Dylan was always being played with, fed, or held.

And when he wasn't, well -

He just screamed until somebody else came to pick him up.

Everyone was a little relieved when he became a toddler.

Very relieved.

"What the heck, Linda?" Lillian stumbled after her wife into the front yard. It was Thursday night - the family had been watching a movie together when Linda had literally pulled her wife from the couch and into the night air. Lillian shivered. "What's going on?"

"I have to tell you something. You can go back to your little movie after I'm done." Linda said easily, with a wave of her hand.

"Well, what is it?"

Linda smiled tightly. "Okay, just listen, all right? I know you have to talk all the time and be in control. But, for once, just let me have a moment, okay?"

Lillian placed her hands on her hips. "Go ahead," she said curtly.

Linda sighed. "I just . . . I can't do this anymore, Lillian."

"Do this?" Her wife frowned. "Do what? You don't do anything."

"That's exactly what I'm talking about! All I do is sit at home with the kids. I've only ever been to my Gym once - it's only a level three. You take off to your lot every other day, leaving me here cooking and cleaning like your little slave. I don't want any of this! I want to be an athlete."

"That's all you-" Lillian tried to say, but was cut off.

"I told you to be quiet.Just. This. Once." Linda's eyes narrowed. "Why can't I have my dream, Lillian? When I married you . . . I thought I was going to do what I wanted. I've just been pulled along the whole time. I'm important too, Lillian."

There was a long silence. Lillian put her hands on her hips. "Are you done, Linda?"

"Yes, Lillian."

Lillian shook her head at her wife. "Do what you want, Linda. At the moment, I don't really give a crap." She shook her head and took a step backwards, "Just remember - you're responsible for your family, okay? We all need you."

Linda only nodded and watched as her wife turned and went back to kids.

Well, she pressed her lips together, that went well.

The next day was full of activity. Lillian got another promotion and got to come home early - Linda was gone the moment she stepped through the door, off to her gym.

The kids were happily oblivious to their mother's frosty attitude toward each other. Elijah was running around, happy to no longer be contained in the nursery.

Sampson managed to bring a new friend home everyday from school - mostly girls. But he was far from being a teenager, so they still had 'cooties'.
His mother were thankful for that.

Yes, the Grey boys were quite the Ladies' Men.

Gretchen could usually be found gardening, skilling, or smustling in the living room.

That quickly changed when she met a boy named Ricky. She didn't know if it was just hormones or loneliness

- but loved seemed to be brewing in the air.

Or something else entirely.

Elijah managed to top his class after his seconds day of school. He was definitely Lillian's son, that's for sure.

His older brother on the other hand, was not doing that well.
 Sampson looked down at the note his teacher had sent home with him.
Sampson has not turned in any work all week. In class, he does not pay attention or play well with the other teachers. Mrs. Grey, I don't mean to alarm you, but if your son continues this behavior, I'm afraid he will fail seconds grade-

"Uggh," Sampson groaned. His moms would kill him. How come Elijah got the brains and he . . . he was failing. A brilliant idea struck him.

He threw down the note and crumpled it under his foot. "There," he said, with a grin, "They'll never know."

"So, then, my teacher said that the man went on to become an amazing scientist! He was one of the most successful men who ever lived, Sammy!" Lijah gushed at his older brother. "Isn't that cool?"

"Everyone knows money is the only thing that can make you happy, Lijah," Sammy rolled his eyes. "Right, Mom?"

Lillian raised her eyebrows. "Everyone wants different things for their lives, Sam. Weather it's money, knowledge, or popularity. You have a long time to decide. Who knows - maybe you both will be famous scientists someday," she smiled at her boys.

"Yeah!" Elijah grinned excitedly. "Except, well, the fact that Sampson's failing second grade!"

Lillian stopped eating. "What?"

Sampson groaned, "Thanks a lot, Lijah."


"Sampson Grey you get in there and get your homework this instant or-"

Lillian made sure her son studied hard after that.

Between school, making friends, and kissing Ricky - Gretchen still managed to spend time with Dylan.

And, her new cat - Noodle. Much to her mother's displeasure.

Finally it was time for Dylan to become a child. His toddler days had gone by fast - he usually had to fend for himself. Linda was never there, Lillian was busy skilling, and well, Gretchen was a teenager.

"Your room is ready, Dylan, one of your very own." Lillian smiled down at her youngest son. "I hope you like it."

Gretchen put her hands on her hips."Boys - go play downstairs. I have to talk to Mom."
 The boys scurried out of the room, Dylan talking excitedly about his new room.

"Look, Mom, I don't know what's going on with you guys, but don't make Dylan suffer. He's  . . . he wants attention all the time and he doesn't get any from you two. Just . . . I know Mom isn't into us right now, but you are." Gretchen tried not to look hurt, "sometimes we need you, Mom."

Lillian smiled sadly at her daughter. "When did you get so old and mature?"

Gretchen winked at her mother, "I've always been this way, Mother-dearest."

"How about all of us go fishing, okay? Right now." Lillian suggested.

Her daughter grinned. "I'll get the boys."

"Thanks for inviting me over," Peter Sims took Linda's hands in his. "I thought maybe we could have some fun," he said suggestively.

Linda smiled but there was a knot in her throat. Peter and her had gone to far, and there was no turning back. She cleared her throat. "Yeah, okay."
 He grinned.

"Where's Mom at?" Sampson looked at Lillian. "You said the whole family would fish together."

Lillian smiled tightly at her son. "I'm sure she's coming, hun."


She sighed. "I'll go get her."

This is what you wanted,she reminded herself. She'd been the one to kiss him first. She'd invited him over. Now . . . this was her idea the whole time. She just wanted . . . right now, she just wanted somebody. Anybody.

Maybe I should apologize to her, Lillian thought as she climbed the stairs, she's been so distant lately.

Linda found herself smiling. Peter didn't know she had kids - he didn't know what she wanted. He wasn't a promise or going to ask her to move in. That's what Lillian had been - until she'd been begged to move in - and Linda had thought it had been a good idea. But . . . then everything had went to shit.


Linda didn't know what she was thinking anymore - about her family, herself, or her wife. But when you boiled down everything - Peter Sims was just an escape.

"Lillian!" Linda backed away from her wife, glancing at the wand in Lillian's hand. "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing, Linda? In our house, in our bed?" Lillian pointed at her. "How dare you do this to me? To us? You're so . . . you're so selfish!"

"I'm selfish?" Linda demanded. "You're the one who only cares about yourself? I didn't want any of this! I wanted to be an athlete. I didn't want kids, or a business - or - or - or this," she motioned to the both of them. "I never wanted this. I just wanted you and I, together, just  . . . not this. You're the selfish one."

"How dare you," Lillian said quietly, "how dare you. These children are yours, Linda. And mine. They're our kids. They're a part of us. I didn't make you get pregnant or make you say yes to me. You wanted to get married. You got pregnant before I did. You could've broken up with me or said no when I proposed. And now you say you don't want them? You'll throw everyone away for your career?"

"It's my lifetime goal-"

Lillian cut her off. "Shut the hell up. I sacrificed my goal, too, Linda. I wanted to be a Criminal Mastermind - but I gave that up. For you. For Greyshire. For our kids. I sacrificed my happiness so you could be happy. No, Linda, this isn't my fault. This is all your fault. You need to grow up. Not everything's about you. So shut up and get dressed - because I can't even look at you anymore."

Lillian left the room and found Peter still lingering by the door, an angry look on his face. "You crazy-"

"Get out of my house right now, or I swear on Boolprop - I will hurt you." She cut him off. "I may be a nice witch, but I'm not afraid to hurt scum like you."

He laughed. "I'd like to see you try."

"Now get out," she wiped her hands, "and don't ever come near my family again. If you know what's good for you."

Lillian watched him leave. She heard Linda getting dressed in their bedroom, but she just shook her head and went back to her kids.

The weekend passed quickly. Lillian poured herself into studying her powers, the kids, work, anything but Linda.

She slowly but surely realized that she could be happy again.

The kids were, as always, happily oblivious. Sampson was too busy meeting every person he could -

while Elijah stuck to more 'practical' pursuits.

Gretchen was the only one who noticed something was up - she refused to even look at Linda.
 By early Monday morning, Linda knew she had to talk to Lillian.

The silence between them seemed to stretch into eternity. Lillian didn't even know her wife anymore. What was she supposed to say to the woman she had thought she loved?

"Do you want me to move out?" Linda asked finally, refusing to look into Lillian's eyes.

"This is your family, too. You're responsible for these kids." Lillian gave her a hard look. She finally met her eyes, which were cold.

"Also - we're the founders of this town. Greyshire is going to be built on strong foundations. So - we're not going to tell anybody. It's going to stay in our family. More and more people will come and they will see us, in public, as a strong founding couple."

Linda nodded. "And . . . in private?"

"You know," Lillian looked up at the sky with a sigh, "I came here to get away from all the sin of the world. I found you and I loved you and I hoped with you. I can't not love you, Linda  . . . but I don't like you very much."

Linda's grey eyes were full of remorse. "I just hope that you can forgive me, someday."

Lillian snorted and stood. "Well, until that day, the bed is yours - enjoy sleeping alone."

7:59 AM

bacc, sims2

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