So every once in a while I find or am involved with something worthy of a post. Since its Friday and I've been able to "research" flash tutorials to animate a water heater, I found this: (keep in mind some of these are really lame like the one claiming Tibor Kalman’, ‘Stefan Sagmeister’, ‘Paul Rand’, and ‘Paula Scher are super hereos - sorry I dont agree.
You know your a Graphic Designer When...
- You have bags under your eyes so big you’d have to check them in at Heathrow Airport
- You watch the superbowl just for the commercials
- You can spot bad typography from 100 yds away
- You are pro-facebook because 95% of the myspace accounts burn your retinas
- You can name more than 200 fonts in under five minutes
- You are completely immune to subliminal advertising
- You look upon a well-designed project with either:
- sympathy OR extreme jealousy
- Your hand is permanently stuck in the shape of a mouse
- You tell stories of exacto-knife inflicted wounds with grizzled sort of pride
- You practically take caffeine intravenously
- You have an appreciation for everything unique
- You’ve been spending three days non-stop on a project and it still looks like shit. You find yourself overcome by Deathlust.
- “You find your pulse increase at the sight of a lovely ligature, glasses steam up when an unusually elegant arm, leg, or tail comes in view, and a well-kerned paragraph is apt to make you break into a sweat with excitement.”
- “You know you’re a Graphic Designer when… you buy a CD or DVD for the artwork, even if you have no idea what the actual music or film is like”.
- (even worse, you don’t actually watch or listen to it, just stare at it for hours and hug it in adoration)
- “You know you’re a Graphic Designer when… you look at the clock and see it’s about midnight and think ‘I’ll go to bed now’… and you actually go to bed about 2-3am”.
- “You know you’re a Graphic Designer when… you need someone else to point out that you’re sitting in a room in front of the computer with all the lights off, and haven’t noticed”
- “…when you know what “kerning” is and you really, really like it.”
- “… when you wear two [ke] [rn] pins on your bag, and only you know what the mean. To others its probably a band of sorts..”
- Forget the boy-wonder and the man of steel; your heroes have names like ‘Tibor Kalman’, ‘Stefan Sagmeister’, ‘Paul Rand’, and ‘Paula Scher’.
- You don’t wear black to look cool, you wear it to hide the gauche.
- You have a thing for chairs. You don’t know why.
- You giggle whenever you use the colors F0CCED, EFF0FF and 44DDDD
- You’re in the sun and you look around for a Drop Shadow to sit under.
- You give your relatives a lecture about color spaces and profiles when you email them your vacation photos.
- Seeing someone use Lens Flare or Comic Sans adversely affects your blood-pressure
- You maintain a grid system for your refrigerator magnets.
- You organize your CD collection according to the Pantone chart.
- You sit at work for eight hours straight just looking at your monitor, waiting for a spark of inspiration that doesn’t come.
- You’re up ’til 5am because you came up with the best idea ever while brushing your teeth.
- The hottest dream you ever had was “Trace contour… Find Edges… Pinch… Extrude… Smudge Stick… Motion Blur…. Sprayed Strokes…”
- You know Lorem Ipsum by heart.
- Your kid knows Lorem Ipsum by heart.
- The preschool teacher complains your child won’t color inside or outside the lines - only indicate colors on a separate sheet.
- Activating your entire font collection makes your computer crash
- You deliberately butcher your perfectly cross browser compatible site in IE by placing a “Too Cool for IE” banner on it.
- You prefer a Layer Style of 50% Opacity (or less) on your wife’s Satin.
- You spend $200 on a font for your personal website because “it’s the only one where the lower-case g is just right…”
- Looking at a menu make you go “hmmm, ITC Baskerville italic” rather than “mmmm, lunch!”
- And when you finally order, you go for Layer Based Slices with Grain Texture…
- You use words about fonts you dislike that other normal people reserve for fascist dictators and serial killers.
- Apple+Z is the first thing that goes through your mind if you drop and break something.
- You refer to colleagues as Strict, Transitional, Loose and the Future Unemployed.
- You refer to your privates as “the Magic Wand”.
- You know that rivers are more than just water.
- Your best friends are all employees at the local print shop
- The only people who seem to know what you do for a living are other Graphic Designers (ex: Graphic Design? What’s that? You’ll never be able to make a living being an
- artist!)
- Kerning and leading on your shopping list actually matters to you, and you don’t see a problem with that.
- Several South American economies suffer noticeably any time you try to give up coffee, or even cut your consumption of it by half.
- You know that “bleeding” doesn’t hurt.
- when your significant other/ friends have threatened to never speak to you again if you point out one more font to them.
- when you know the difference between fuchsia, magenta, and maroon.
- If you could go back in time you wouldn’t go back to see the rise and fall of civilizations, you’d go back in time to destroy comic sans and papyrus.
- You Know You’re a Graphic Designer When deciding on the right crop doesn’t involve a choice between corn or wheat.
- You’ve considered naming your children things like ‘Kern’, ‘Pica’, ‘Bézier’, and ‘Serif’.
- You can understand everything on this list.