Start Date: January 01, 2011
End Date: September 27, 2013
1. Read all the books on my reading list
2. Have a job that pays more than $15 an hour
3. Have a job NOT in retail, where I get to sit down.
4. Be 50lbs. lighter
5. Get full gynecological work up
6. Get full check up at dentist
7. See dermatologist
8. See gastroenterologist
9. Move out and have place of my own
10. Attend 3 or more S&M workshops/demos (Wicked does not count)
11. Attend at least 6 meet ups of my choice
12. Participate in at least 6 photo shoots
13. Host 4 pot lucks
14 Go vegetarian for 2 weeks
15.Have stable medical insurance
16. Finish 2 novels and/or stories that have been started
17. Join 2 rpgs and/or create one
18. Open a gym membership and go to the gym at least 7 months out of the year
19. Learn to prepare at least 6 new dishes on my own
20. Subscribe to WoW once every 3-4 months for the duration of this mission
21. Participate in 2 activities for a good cause (ex. March of dimes)
22. Reconnect with 3-4 people I've lost touch with by steadily exchanging e-mails, talking online and/or on the phone and by hanging out with them at least once a week or every other week for 6 months or more.
23. Join a LARP
24. Make 4 new friends
25. Learn to play Magic the Gathering
26.Get permit and driver's license
27. Take grandpa to the Guggenheim museum
28. Call grandma and grandpa or visit 4 times a week for at least 6 months in a row
29. Post all the pictures from camera/computer/phone-that I've been neglecting-to facebook
30. Do at least 2 costuming internships
31.Read 7 self help and/or informational books
32.Hem/Alter 14 different items
33. Go on a trip or bus tour out of state (Pennsylvania doesn't count)
34. Buy each of my family members something nice with my own money
35. Participate in RAJE (Israel)
36. Learn to play a musical instrument/take classes on instrument for at
least 6 months or more.
37. Take dance lessons for at least 6 months consecutively
38. Model nude for an art class
39. Learn a third language (if not fluent then conversational) (ex. Latin, Persian, Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Turkish)
40. Watch (2) Films from each decade: 1880's, 1890's, 1900's, 1910's, 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's 2010 and 2011
41. Learn how to solve/break down 10 simple math problems, 10 complicated math problems and learn how to do percentages and multiple digit multiplication in my head
42. Attend 5 different museums
43. Solve 3 mysteries
44. Participate in a belly dance performance
45. Go to design school or take costuming classes
46.Design and sew/make 4 outfits
48. Finish watching "Veronica Mars", "Andromeda" and "Big Love"
49. Go on a road trip with friends
50.Learn and recreate 5 different hairstyles
51. Have definite plan for birthday and invite people way in advance
52. Make out with 2 hot girls
53. Visit New Zealand
54. Be in two places at once
55. Learn to professionally pick a lock
56. Learn 5 hacking tricks
57.Visit Hogwarts/Hogsmeade in Orlando, Florida
58. Get tattoo adjusted
59.Learn how to fix 6 things around the house
60. Take 12 drawing classes and complete 3 art projects
61. Attend at least 3 cabaret/burlesque shows
62. Perform in a burlesque show
63. Learn how to read a world map
64.Read 4 News Articles or watch 1 newscast everyday or at least regularly for 6 months
65. Celebrate 5 Pagan and/or Wiccan holidays
66. Celebrate 3 Jewish holidays
67. Study 2 costuming time periods in depths
68. Study 2 historical time periods in depth
69.Take a course in basic/ photography
70. Visit Chinatown
71.Participate as an extra or a short speaking role in a film or play
72. Attend and murder mystery dinner theater event
73. Participate in a scavenger hunt
74. Have definite plan for Halloween costume and what to do and follow through on it
75. Take at least 7 Ice skating/figure skating lessons.
76. Learn 5 gymnastics tricks (back hand spring, walk over, hand stand, split,
standing bridge,etc.)
77. Open a jewelry website for mom
78. Budget my spending every day for at least 3 months
79. Get a massage at a spa
80. Comment at least 3 times a week on friends' LJ's for 3 months
81. Join 2 communities on Live Journal and be active in them for 3 months
82. Play the SIMS Three 25 times
83. Perform 20 tarot readings
84. Visit the Brooklyn Public Library 15 times
85. Write/send 8 letters to friends/relatives that do not live in your household(e-mail and IM does not count)
86.Write 30 new poems
87. Come up with and draw 20 new costume/clothing/fashion designs
88. Buy a new pair of winter boots
89. Brush my teeth 2 times a day for 6 months
90. Give up gluten for 2 months
91. Write 5 positive things and 5 things I'm grateful for , everyday for 1 month
92. Do 10 cartoon dollz
93 . Wear make up everyday for a week on 4 different weeks
94. Spend a day in silence
95. Memorize 5 poems
96. Read 8 plays
97. Finish A Song of Ice and Fire
98.Take 12 self defense classes
99. Learn how to tie someone up so they can't escape
100. Learn hot to escape out of a difficult tie
101. Have something copyrighted or patented
102. (Just because I'm an overachiever!) ACQUIRE MINIONS