I wish I wasn't in pain...

May 05, 2005 01:59

I just finished watching In Good Company. Good movie. I think its kinda funny in that disconcerting sort of way that after I saw the movie I thought,"wow that was a really good movie! and there was no sex or violence in it." Topher Grace, One of my Top five, was awesome but I expected that. What I didn't expect and the icing on the cake was The phenomenal soundtrack that included an Iron and Wine song I had never heard. Throughout the whole movie I kept thinking, "Dang this song is perfect!" I really would love to do that as a job. i think I have said that before. Maybe there's a class at our local community college. I have a car now, I could drive there.

Ok so I am very, very broke. One of my babysitting jobs fell through for tomorrow. Of course not the one that I wanted to fall through. Oh well.

new goals: (ps I am horrible at goals) 1. To lose a ton of weight for the wedding. specifically,(since we are doing the whole goal thing) I want to lose two dress sizes. 2. To save enough money so that this time next year I can go to Scotland. 3. Find something I really want to do that makes an impact. 4. stick to goals.

not too unreasonable.

well i have a big day ahead tomorrow. Mother's Day T-shirts to make.
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