Apr 16, 2005 16:45
I swear i'm going to start updating!!! Even if it kills me!!
My computer has been on the fritz and it took "Greta the Computer Genius" to fix it. But even today I got the bue screen of death as soon as I clicked on the web browser and had to restart. It's times like these I wish I had a mac... just a little.
I want to catch you up a little so here goes the basics.
Rightnow I have three regular babysitting gigs with three different families. I babysit a four year old boy, Liam, A little six months old girl, Amy Jane, and then a one year old boy Patrick and his older sister, 4 year old Madeline. I am earning altogether about 75 dollars a week babysitting. Its funny though I still feel 15 when I babysit. Maybe its because they have to pick me up and drop me off not for long though!
I was given a car by John Woolner's dad, a 92 Buick Riviera. If you've never seen one, you'll wish you had, so you could imagine me behind the wheel. Pretty awesome stuff. Let's just say they don't make many parking spaces its size anymore.
I was completely responsible and got insurance and an SR-22 so I could get my liscense back.
I have an appointment with DMV to get the liscense. If all goes well I will be driving in time to take Amanda and I to...
the Ellen show!!! I got tickets to the Ellen show for a May 10th taping. I will let all of you know when it's airing so you can watch us dance. You know you miss me dancing!!!
I just got up from a 3 hour cat-nap. Sorry Manda! You have no time for naps and here I go complaining about mine! I did have to get up at 4am today though. I bet you're not jealous of that.
I think my strange schedule is mostly to blame for my weight gain. I realized today that I lost a ton of weight when I was doing the following: Eating my largest meal at 12pm, dancing 1-2 nights a week, working very far away from food, and spending all my money on beer. All of these things are prevented by my bizzaro retail schedule. AAAuuuuugghhhhh!! if only I could spend all my money on beer again!!!
anyway. I love my job still, and was reassured today though they have sceduled me less the last few weeks, that they are going to correct the problem and I will be getting my full 35 hours back soon. even though I feel like I need a vacation, I feel like rent and my new car are more important.
ok wow. I think I made up for my lack of updating. Now I have to go do the same at myspace. Geez, the internet is hard!!