half a world away

Feb 15, 2005 12:26

there is so much to tell. it sems like i open every entry like that. Basically, people got married, there was dancing, hanging out, and much love from all.

it was a ton of fun. and I'm home now. waiting for my friend sarah to call me so we can go to coffee. a weekly tradition we've managed to keep up somehow. Yesterday morning while i was getting ready for work greta and I were talking. She asked me if I was mad. I said no. Then she said that I have seemed angry for the last two weeks. I had no idea I have been walking around with a sour face that long. I know I am not angry with anyone in particular. I suppose I am angry with my current life situation. My goal for this week was to narrow it down to the few things that are really bugging me and deal with them. unfortunately, almost everything requires money to fix. and I only have so much. aaakkk I was doing so well for so long. a whole two months.

well at least i got to go to sac for the baby and the wedding. looks like i wont be going anywhere for a while.

I miss you all so much.
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