nothing appeals to me but bottoming out....

Sep 24, 2004 01:06

so i decided to waste my afternoon with this survey though I rarely do them. here goes, oh and manda, this will be boring for you since you already know everything about me.

Five Things You May Not Know About My Time in School Are:
1) I loved high school and would do it all over again no problem.
2) I changed high schools my junior year and created a new identity for myself, kinda.
3) I repeated both the fourth and seventh grade.
4) I have never taken PE due to a heart condition (also the reason I repeated 7th grade:surgery)
5) I washed down two caffine pills with mountain dew every day my sophmore year and still fell asleep in third period every day.

Five Things You May Not Know About the Job (Jobs) I Have (or Had) are:
1) I worked at a mom & pop video shop and it closed a month after I started. ( i did get a lot of good movies for cheap though)
2) I cleaned mansions for a summer
3) I have worked at five different dental offices. I quit 3 of them because the boss was a jerk.
4) I love my current job. I look forward to work almost everyday.
5) I walk 3/4 of a mile to work everyday.

Five Things You May Not Know About My Online Life are:
1) when i was about 15 I spent a new years online, so sad.
2) I am a horribly lazy typist.but you knew that.
3) I did my first meet up two weeks after I moved here(Los Angeles)boooring.
4) I will have to look up how to use an LJ cut for the third time.
5) I take the internet for granted.

Five Things You May Not Know About Where I Live are:
1) Manhattan Beach is not in New York. It is actually in Los Angeles county
2) I live with four other females, and I have never had more alone time.
3) I live with a female dog named Kaleb (thas dog in hebrew)
4) I am way too far from dance clubs.
5) I live about two and half miles from the beach, I have been four times since i moved here.

Five Things You May Not Know About My Core Personality are:
1) I am a Christian, and its sad that you may not know.
2) I have no filter thusly i have almost no secrets and this survey thing is hard.
3) A great degree of my self confidence depends on what my closest friends think of me (working on that).
4) I am a sucker for guys having a hard life, I have let three live with me for free for months at a time.
5) I almost never cry, but a good song gives me goosebumps.

Five Things You May Not Know About My Home Life are:
1) I have one older sister and one younger brother. My sister was adopted at 15, I was 9.
2) Until I moved to sacramento at 16, my family always had someone not related living with us. We were like a home office rehab center
3) I cooked dinner every second night from age 10 to 18.
4) I grew up in a trailer park that was 20 minutes from any civilization
5) my parents were both volunteer firefighters and my father a paramedic.consequently I am not squeemish at the sight of blood in the slightest.

Five Things You May Not Know that I Desperately Want are:
1) to visit Pompeii and dig up dead people.
2) to write a movie about my friends. so many stories!
3) a imac, an ipod, and free money at itunes.
4) to marry my best friend.
5) to please God.

Five Embarrassing Fannish Admissions I Have That You May Not Know are:
1) A certain best friend and I went to every Better Than Ezra concert in northern california. They knew our names.
2) I hand sewed a huge banner that said, "we heart Travis" with a big satin heart. and gave it to them.
3) At times I actually think that "if (insert celebrity name here) just meets me we'd be friends"
4) The only person i have actually been speechless around was Dana from Deathray, hometown hero!
5) if i ever met Simon or Garfunkel I might ask one of them to have my babies.

Five Things You May Not Know About What I Do in a Typical Day are:
1) Wake to an alarm on a cell phone I cant call on.
2) Drink at least 50 ounces of water.
3) Dance at the cash register
4) think about, start, or finish a t-shirt design
5) write lists. I like to pretend like I'm organized.

if you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask. hahaha I'm so still in work mode!
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