Mar 12, 2009 23:20
Boston was great. Minus the car accident and the hurt shoulder and the bronchitis. Fate was laughing at me for part of that week, I think.
Bronchitis is a bitch. I am sick of coughing, sick of the coughing attacks, sick of the cough syrup and the antibiotics that smell like eggs. I'm especially sick of coughing so loudly in the library...uncomfortable.
Less than 2 months until graduation. I aced 2 exams last week and my midterm grade for Physics is at a C. Things are looking good so far. 2 months from Saturday until I'm in Japan, can't wait. I gave my presentation on Diphyllobothrium latum (it's a tapeworm) today after being told on Monday that I would present on Thursday - my teacher is so scatterbrained. Had a great conversation about how cute parasites with my friend--don't judge us Biology majors.
I need to find a job. I need to make money. I need to be done with school. Joy oh joy. Anyone got some good tips on some internships involving zoology by where they live? Haha.
Okay, my cough syrup is kicking in. Good night everyone.