Quickly Let Go

May 04, 2006 13:58

My newest boss, if you will, Sinclair (Yah-I) sent this to me today and I thought I would share it with all of you too. You never know when someone might need to hear something.

Quickly Let Go

The energy you devote to being annoyed

brings you nothing of value in return. So

choose to quickly let go of your need to

be annoyed.

The time and energy you put into being

offended adds nothing positive to your

life. So decide to quickly let go of your

need to be offended.

Winning petty arguments will do nothing

to enhance your relationships. So find a

way to quickly let go of the need to prove

that you are right.

There are many things that can hold you

back. But they'll hold you back only as

long as you continue to hold on to them.

Each day is filled with plenty of valid

reasons to be angry, resentful, jealous,

frustrated, offended, and annoyed. All

that negativity can stop you cold if you

allow it to take up long-term residence in

your life.

So make the choice to quickly let it go.

And free yourself to soar above it all.

By: Ralph Marston


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