WFm - Winter Party 2006

Jan 15, 2006 16:49

I arrived early to set up and was greeted with a crew already in place and a house manager who was more helpful and pleasant than most people I know. THANKS RON!!!!!!!!

Food and decorations were being taken care of and Megan and Blake (Kary) were there hanging out and helping out too and it was nice. was 6:30 and no drinks had arrived. I called Gus and told him I needed a hero basically. haha

Tim came with the soda and water, but the beer and wine was nowhere to be seen. So, I called Gus back and he said to not worry that they would be sure to get it there. Well...he brought the beer himself, along with a cooler full of ice! YAH! Paul soon brought the wine and we were off to the races.

Monica and I were trying to put things away and the next thing we knew, we were bartending...haha. When it came time for the doorprizes, I was off and decided that it was my turn to have some fun. So, Candi and I hung out and mingled and I tried hard not to worry about what was going on behind the scenes because Michael and Steven were going to put on a performance dedicated to me and I knew I couldn't miss that.

So, I waited patiently through an endless stream of music that I thought would never end. Though I was enjoying it...I was anxious to see what the boys had cooked up. I wasn't disappointed. LOL

First off, one of our baggers' counsins came and she really sang great! Go Heather! Ning sang a couple and knocked the socks off of people, as usual. Then it was time for some funny stuff. Wylie and Joe from Whole Body sang "Don't Go Breakin My Heart" in which Wiley was Kiki Dee. hahaha. It was hilarious!!!!


Kiki (haha)

Then Alyson and Spencer got up there and sang "You're so Vain."

I just love these guys!!

I had to take this one because Alyson was so cute singing while hanging on to her liquid courage! Love ya Alyson!!!!! it was...time for the boys. They walked up on stage with their shades on and black t-shirts.

Michael and Steven

They began singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart." When it started getting a little bit dramatic, this is what happened:

The ripping of the shirts

Getting into the song

Steven flipping his suspenders teasingly...haha

Nearing the end

The photolab had fun with this one...they blew this up without me telling them anything. hahaha

After their performance, the guys took a moment to pose with "Hot T" for a pic. During the performance, Mike threw his shirt out into the audience and I went over and claimed it. Later, Steven brought me his as well and I have those around my neck there. Before the night was over, I ended up with Mike's suspenders as well. hahaha

I am not sure of the order of the acts actually...I am going by the order that my pics were in when I got them back! haha. So, I'll just talk about the other great performers of the evening.

It's time for the return of Alyson! This time she shared the stage with our very own CSM, Karen Blanco! They rocked the stage with "Hot Blooded"

Josh Bratcher (A Problem of Alarming Dimensions) and Nathan Heuning (Mother Courage) teamed up to represent the Prepared Foods Department and dazzled the audience with their perfomance of "Dancing Queen."

During the verses, Josh displayed his awesome talent with a hula hoop.

Then it was his turn to sing...and did he ever!!

When it came right down to it was all about the dancing and these guys weren't shy about strutting their stuff!

The amazingly talented Sarah took the stage with Penguin's very own Miriam to sing "Me and Bobby McGee."

Sarah - you rock the house. One day you are gonna have an album or be on Broadway and I can say that I knew you "when"! Love you girl!

Next members of the Front End team teamed up to present some GNR!!

I love this pic...Birdie (the woman who trained me) is on the far left and you can tell that she's really into it!! Also, Steven's air guitar is priceless!!

This pic really captures the essence of the Front End. We have fun and we don't care who knows it! Also, an alumni member joined the party and I captured her in this pic! We love you Avi!! (Third one over from the right)

Look out gang because Sarah's back, this time with another Penguin *grins* Andeline!!

The gals took a seat, as if telling the story to their captive audience: Paul from Specialty Beer and Wine and Wylie from Whole Body.

The last act before I performed that I got pictures of anyways was my boss, JD (whom I have nicknamed for 2006, Johnny D - his name is John Dubis. hehe)

During his performance, a couple of front end team members (Karen and Erin)entered the stage behind him and were perfect dancers for this song! You go girls! I didn't catch it on film, as I didn't know then how near the end we were!

After this, it was my turn. I was scared to death, but Candi and Steven had worked together to make sure that I got up there. Thanks guys!

I was singing "How Do I Live" by Leann Rimes, when quite unexpectedly, Steven runs up on stage and starts dancing with me. Needless to say, I was shocked and didn't really know what to do, so I tried to go along with it as best I could while singing. Then, a few minutes later, Mike emerged on the scene and pushed Steven out of the way to dance with me! It was all very funny and embarassing at the same time, but I love those guys, so it was a lot of good fun.

Overall, the party was fun and I danced and found out some people have mad skills on the dancefloor while others made me giggle inwardly. Cleanup was a snap and soon we were on our way home and the party was over. Most of the feedback has been good and I am glad that it all worked out well and that everyone had fun!!

If I get more pics from other people, I'll be sure to share! ENJOY! *hugs Tina

party, whole foods, friends

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