Home stuff

Jan 07, 2006 00:41

While I have a few minutes, I just wanted to say that one of the things that I am really happy about so far in this new year is that I've really been in touch with my family alot. Since my sister moved, she calls me frequently and I've been calling and talking to granny and the fam a lot too. It's really been great to stay in touch with them and bless their hearts...they are already talking about March when I am supposed to be going home next. haha

Granny got home from the hospital today and thankfully she does NOT have pneumonia. They gave her some treatments and felt that she was well enough to come home. So...she is still having problems with her stomach, but since she can't be sedated due to her heart/breathing problems...they aren't likely to be doing any more tests on her to find out what's going on. So...I'll keep you posted if anything new comes up on that.

Jesse (my mom's former fiancee) has a job and has been working for the past couple of days and making more than he thought he would be.

My sister has been excited that people where she is living now don't treat her like she's stupid and they have been letting her help with firewood and putting siding up and everything. She's really excited that they let her use powertools...LOL!

I went with my Uncle aka UJ to the doctor while I was home because they thought he had some kidney problems, but it turns out now that they think it's his gall bladder. So...he is supposed to get that checked out sometime soon. I hope that it isn't anything too serious.

I haven't heard from my brother since I got back home, but that's nothing really new. I am sure if something major happened, I would hear about it one way or another.

Anyways...that's probably more than you ever wanted to know, but there you have it. haha. Love and huggles...T


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