My bro

Dec 22, 2005 01:52

Tonight I turned on my Yahoo Messenger on the off chance that my aunt would be on so that I could make sure that my little cousin got the birthday message that I left for her.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that my little brother was online. He was at my aunt's house and had the webcam on and everything and it was really great to SEE him and to talk to him. We both made each other laugh so hard and we had a really great time and neither of us wanted to go, but we knew we had to get up in the morning.

He and his wife have picked out a name for their daughter. Julina Sky Whitehair.

I told him I liked the "ina" part and he told me that he was going to use Marie as the middle name, which is my middle name, as well as my grandmother's, but there were too many of us running around in the world already...hahaha

I am just so happy that I had a chance to talk to him...yet a little sad at the same time cause I really miss him. He kept doing all of these little funny things that used to make me laugh for hours on end and it made me wish that we could see each other more often than we do now.

We are hoping to get to see one another while I am home...we'll see how it all works out with transportation and all of that. All in was wonderful talking to him and a great end to my night. I <3 my brother.

Night all...*hugs Tina


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