Me and the Boys

Dec 20, 2005 14:19

This show took place quite a while back, but for some reason I never got to post about it. The last time the guys were at the Cradle - they were there with SpencerAcuff and it was when I first saw the Christmas album that the two had collaborated on. I gave the guys their Christmas cards and gave Ken his birthday present.

It was a good night and three of my friends actually went too: Meredith, Domenick, and Brian! That was cool. I got Will into the show for free for helping me and I thought it was neat that I could do that...LOL are some pictures from that night:

Mr. Ken Pittman jammin'

...more of the KP

Daniel and Scott. This was a show where Daniel made his guitar debut and I was soooo excited about it!!

Daniel playing again

Daniel rocking out. He also started playing the djeme that you can see there. Cool, huh???

Mr. Scott Cash


Me and Daniel

Me and Justin - yeah, it's a little fuzzy...I think the camera was intimidated...hahaha

Me and Ken!!!

Me and Scott

And there you have it. Now I am all caught up until I get my current roll of film developed and then I'll share my most recent exciting experience with you...hehe.

*hugs T

starting tuesday

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