
Dec 14, 2005 17:00

This post is coming late, but I haven't had the time, energy, or mindset prior to this to get it here I am. haha

Saturday night I was once again reunited with one of my favorite bands: Florez.

I was very excited when I heard that they were going to be there and this only added to the excitement that was happening that night with Starting Tuesday. I was eagerly anticipating seeing Smitty (Brian Smith) again and had even brought him a Christmas card.

When I walked in, it wasn't as crowded as I had expected, so I quickly scanned the room, coming up empty for spotting any of the members of Starting Tuesday.

However, my eyes first rested on Smitty (who has a beard now...weird). He was talking on his phone and I didn't want to bother him, but I did want to give him his card and get rid of it. He was taking so long, so I looked around again and that's when I spotted Erik. *takes a moment to remember the prettiness. *sigh*

I then looked over and saw Alex and Dusty up by the stage. I decided that I was going to go over and see if they'd seen my boys. As soon as I approached, Alex smiled warmly and said that he was pleasantly surprised to see me there. He hugged me and we exchanged the "how have you beens and all of that" before I asked if he knew where Scott was. He told me that they were having dinner with the record label rep. So...we both talked excitedly about that for a couple of minutes while Alex also introduced himself to Monica. hehe. He asked if I was doing merch for ST and when I told him I was he grinned, "Atta girl!" HAHA...TOO CUTE!!

I left him at that point and was happy to see that Smitty was no longer on the phone. He spotted me and smiled widely and we were both like "Yah!" hahaha. I gave him his card and he excitedly gasped, "Whoa! Can I read this now??" haha. I told him that he could and we talked about a few things related to what he's been up to and stuff before he went to get a hot dog and I went to work.

Later I spotted Dana, but didn't get to talk to him much until after the show. The set was AWESOME!!!!! Very full of energy and let me tell you...Dusty brings a very unique flavor with his array of instruments...he plays keyboards, harmonica, banjo, percussion, AND he sings. He's awesome. One of these days, I am going to be able to watch the show from in front of the stage...that will rule!!!

Anywho...Monica and I sang and danced and cheered and after the set, I ran over to ask the guys if they were staying until after the show so that I could get a pic with them and they assured me that they would! YAH!! I talked to Alex and Smitty for a few minutes about the set, before rushing back over to the merch table. Monica and I had a steady stream of people coming over to the table during their set and so I didn't want to leave her over there for long without me.

As my boys were setting up, Smitty came over and motioned for me to follow him and we got the guys some water and took it up to the stage for them and even though that was a small thing...I was so happy and excited that he'd asked me to join him in that. It was awesome.

A little into the set, people were coming over to buy stuff and I looked up to find that Smitty had brought me a candle over to the table so that I could see better while doing transactions...he's just the bomb diggity and I don't care who knows it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the set, I was crazy busy, but after the rush died down I headed over to the table where the Florez boys were and they were all like, "HEY!!! Get around here!" hahaha. I wasn't sure who was gonna take the pic and Smitty offered, but I told him that he had to be in the pic. So, I asked this girl to take our picture and I headed around the table. Alex said, "All right guys...let's get the lady in the middle here..." and with Dana on one side of me and my beautiful Erik on the other, our pic was taken. I have to be honest with you and say that I have no idea what face I was making in the picture because Erik had his arm on my shoulder and that's really all I was thinking about in that moment...hahaha!

After that, we were all getting ready to leave and they were packing things up and so was I. I sold a few more things and then remembered that I had intended to buy a Florez shirt, so I headed back over to the table where Smitty was packing up. I asked him what kind of shirt I should get and he recommended one for me and then when I asked how much, he gave me a discounted price. *beams proudly. The only thing is...once I got home, I couldn't wait to try on my shirt and that's when I realized that in his packing process, he accidentally gave me a small. While I was flattered, there's no way I can wear it, so we'll see if I can get it exchanged sometime. : )

I went over to say goodbye to Michelle, Scott's wife, and Alex was standing right next to her and quickly turned around to get a hug and to talk to me a bit about the show and what's coming up for them. Then, Dana came out and was like, "Tina! Are you leaving?" I nodded and he came over and hugged me unexpectedly and I was stepping on his foot, but he didn't even know it...hahaha.

I said one last goodbye to Smitty and got a hug on the way out the door and then out in the parking lot, I spotted Erik and told Monica, "Warning...beautiful man!" hahaha. She said she thought he would fit in the trunk, but I was busy waving at him and then Dusty got out of the van and waved enthusiastically.

Since then I have received a very nice email from Alex and can't stop listening to their CD. He said that they are going to try and do some shows with Starting Tuesday in the Spring and that would just be soooooo awesome!!!!! I replied and told him he should come back at least once when he wasn't performing with the boys so that I can be in the audience for the show...haha

They are very wonderful people all around and I feel really blessed to know them and that they recognized and remembered me from the one time that they'd met me. I can't wait to get my pic back. In the meantime, here are a few of my faves! Enjoy!!

My mentor, Smitty. He rulez!!!!!!

Group Photo = Erik, Dusty, Alex, Dana, Josh

I just love this pic of Erik...*sigh

Erik, a fan, and cutie pie Alex (Isn't Erik dreamy????)

Another group fan, I don't know these girls, but snagged the pic from their MySpace page...haha.
Dusty, Erik, Dana, Josh, and Alex

If you are curious or interested in the least, you can check Florez out at either of these places:

Florez Official Site

Florez on MySpace

As a side note...there was a slight casualty at this show. Josh Robinson, the drummer (who, btw drummed for Starting Tuesday to fill in the second time I saw them) was playing on Justin's drum kit and busted a hole in his bass!!!!!!!!! I forgive him, but I can't believe that happened when the guys were already nervous about performing in front of the EMI guy!

I'll fill you in on the Starting Tuesday aspect of the show in another post! *huggles...T


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