Mikey T

Nov 03, 2005 22:46

Well, I've whisked through a lot of stuff here and I wanted to also tell you guys about when Michael Tolcher came to town. hahaha...that sounds like a country song waiting to happen.

*clears throat and strums banjo as she sings: "Many mamas lost their daughters the day that Michael Tolcher came to town." HAHAHAHA...yeah...I've lost it...what can you do?

So yeah...Michael Tolcher...right here in the very town where I live...a frisbee's throw from where I hang my hat and tune my banjo.(well, almost. *wink) I know I've already told you about the experience, so I won't rehash...but I did want to share some pictures in case any of you are interested.

I snapped this great smile and I am so glad I caught it. Michael seemed to be in a very good mood despite the fact that he was having trouble breathing that night.

Me and Michael. It's true...one of us HAS to look scared or tired and it was clearly his turn. Oh well...I still love him and am so glad that I got to see him and talk to him once again!

This is a really great pic of the crew!! Me, Brian Flannery, Michael Flannery, Domenick Grasso, and Candi. Brian is of course being silly and crude, but what can you do? I really love Mike's pose with the hands in the pockets...good stuff.

Last, but not least, a pic of me and Domenick. You gotta love a left-handed man...hahahaha. Domenick is one of our fellow Tolch fans who has been to more shows with us than any of our other friends AND he played Frisbee Golf with us. We <3 him.

michael tolcher

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