He's...Almost Perfect...

Aug 06, 2005 12:28

It seems like I haven't updated in a really long time...especially not anything fun and I think it's high time that I do just that.

Yesterday I went to work like any other Friday, yet there was a slight difference. I knew that a few hours after my shift, I would be going to Raleigh to see Ingram Hill - - my all-time favorite band.

Trying to contain my excitement yesterday was taking a lot more restraint than normal and I think that's because I didn't sleep at all the night before (however, the two events were unconnected - no really, they were). Anyways...I forced myself to take a small nap when I got home from work and as soon as I got up, I made sure that the posters were ok and ready to go, that I had my tools to promote and began filling the pockets of my cargo khakis with matchbooks, stickers, handbills, and badges. I was ready!! I strapped on my camera and headed out.

Candi and I arrived at the venue early and a huge surge of pride rushed through me!! This was the first time that we have seen them since they got their bus!!!!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!!!! Our boys FINALLY have a bus!!!!!! This was also the first time that we were to see them headline and so I was also pretty darned excited about that too!! YAH!!!!!!! MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok...sorry...this is me...calming down. Ahem.

Ok...so Candi and I hung some posters and then decided to go ahead and wait by the door. It turned out to be a longer wait than anticipated because there was a discrepency with the time that the doors actually opened. However, while we were waiting, I was standing in front of the side door and talking and lo and behold, Justin comes waltzing out with an "Hola senoritas!" He was wearing a ballcap, t-shirt, and shorts and was looking cute as can be. *Note: this is a rare occurrence. Justin isn't usually CUTE to me. hahaha* Anywho...a few minutes later, he comes back off the bus and gets on his bicycle and off he goes. Time is still passing by VERY slowly when the boys from Starting Tuesday came by to try and get in. Justin, the drummer with AWESOME biceps, asked us how we were doing and then they were off to try and find another way into the building. Bless their hearts. So, we go about chatting and were minding out own business when he saw Phil get off of the bus and head off in the opposite direction in which Justin had gone. *shrugs Phil had a cold and wasn't feeling too well, but was really a trooper last night. He hung in there and even stayed late to hang out with the fans, despite the fact that he wasn't feeling well and wanted nothing more than to get into bed. *huggles to Phil.

In the final hour of waiting outside, we were joined by some friends: Christa, Kristie, June, and Ethan. We just love these gals! We met them in March while waiting at the same venue to see the guys. A little while later, some more girls from the forum arrived: Renee, Michelle, and Lani. All very nice gals. We had met Renee during our earlier trip as well, but it was nice to finally meet Michelle...I read about her a lot in the forum!

FINALLY, the doors opened and we all rushed like moths to a flame upon feeling the air conditioning that was slowly seeping out of the door. I got my little wristband and then informed the huge biker looking dude that I was "on the list" and sure enough, there I was...first on the list...DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!! Naturally, Candi was my guest and also naturally, I then headed off to find the bathroom before the excitement began.

We took our places and were blinded by seriously bright purple lights aimed right at our eyes the entire time. After a while, Domenick arrived....wheeeeeeee! I am so glad that he got to come!!! It seemed like we stood there forever before Starting Tuesday finally took the stage, but I really enjoyed them!!! They are really nice guys and have a wonderful message to share through their music and just in general. Their motto...even on their site is: "Never settle." This is a band that I plan to keep my eye on...so just be warned that you haven't heard the last from me on these guys just yet. They did close with my fave song of theirs called "Satisfied." I was soooooo excited to hear it!!!!!!

Off the boys went and again...more waiting. How much more of this can a gal take in one day? haha

Finally, after several Shea spottings...and to a dark stage...there they were...Ingram Hill in all their glory!!!!! The show was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! They played songs from "June's Picture Show", a few from their first album, "Until Tomorrow" and much to my surprise and delight, 2 brand new songs!!!!!!!!! (Both of which were friggin awesome) *wonders how many time she's said awesome in this post. hehehe

I do have to say that something happened that has never happened. I made eye contact with Justin last night. He was doing this dance thing that he does and he kicked out his leg and I couldn't help but laugh and he heard me and looked down and started laughing too. AHHHHHH!! The dimple!!!!!!!! haha. Speaking of things that have never happened before, at the end of their set (before the encore) Justin threw his pick out and I'll be darned if it didn't land right at my feet. That kinda stuff never happens to this chica, ok? I was soooooooo surprised and I slipped that baby in my pocket so fast that I wasn't even sure if it happened until I later reached in, looking for it and sure enough, there it was nestled in among the matchbooks and stickers I had in my pocket! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Domenick left shortly after the show, but Candi and I hung around, of course, to talk to the guys. She sat down for a while, but I knew that if I sat down, that would be the end of me. So, I just stood around, checking out the situation and wanting to talk to Starting Tuesday, but being too shy. haha. *facepalm*

After surveying the situation, Candi and I decided to go and talk to Justin first and then hang back for Shea. So, we hopped in line and were the next people in line, but we decided to let this drunk guy go before us...he really was wasted. Anywho...while listening to Justin talk to June, I heard him say that their new album is in the very very infant stages. Just the thought of a new album makes me as giddy as a schoolgirl with her first crush!!!

So...it was time. Justin was looking right at me. (Confession...I have a sudden weakness for belts brought on my Justin and I was in the second row with a perfect view the entire time and even got to see his tummy - another weakness). I stepped forward and we exchanged hellos and pleasantries. I asked how he was and he said, "I'm great. I'm really sweaty though." Ask me if I cared. No sir, I did not, even the slightest bit. So...I hugged him, delicious sweat and all. *closes her eyes reliving the moment and the feel of his strong arms, perfect biceps, my head against his perfect chest. Le sigh.

I know, I know...back to the post. Ok...so we got a picture together and with disappointment, I let go of him and moved out of the way so that Candi could get her picture taken with him. I think Candi talked to him then about being glad they were back in NC and that we'd be seeing them in Virginia Beach soon. I do remember that she said, "We love taking road trips." and he said, "And we love that you love taking road trips." Have I told you lately that I <3 Justin? *swoons

Well, we then moved back to find Shea who was busily talking with Renee, Michelle and Lani and then moved to chat it up with Starting Tuesday. In the process, he succeeded in accidentally knocking his bass over, bless his heart. (yes, it was in the case) This was the most patient that we had to be the entire evening, I think. Shea, just a few feet away, yet otherwise engaged in conversation. Others, however, weren't as considerate as we were and moved in to talk to him anyways, much to our chagrin. So, we moved over "in line" to talk to him and a few minutes later, he came over and told us that he'd be right back, but he really had to pee. haha. While he was in there, Phil talked to us for a while and asked us if we were guarding Shea's bass for him and had a lengthy conversation with Candi about the South and what he really considers to be the South. In the meantime, I was scared to death when Shea came back around (I didn't know that fact) and poked me in the back to ask me if I would take a picture of him and this fan.

I snapped the pic and then he came over and asked how I had been doing. I told him great and asked the same and then I told him that we'd seen them on Jimmy Kimmel and that we'd loved his haircut. He looked like, "Aw, shucks" hahahah. Bless his heart. Well, Candi then turned around from talking to Phil and Shea and I posed for a picture before I once again took control of the camera. I snapped a pic of Candi and Shea and was listening to them talk when I heard the voice of my Justin.

I turned and he asked if anyone would take a pic of him and the fan I had just snapped a pic with Shea. So, I once again took her camera and laughed, "Hello, I am your personal photographer for the evening and my name is Tina." Not sure if anyone else laughed, but I thought it was funny. I snapped the pic and then she asked Justin if she could have a sticker that was still left on the table. That was all that was left, so I stepped in and handed her a badge and some matchbooks too. Justin looked to me and gasped in awe, "Wow! You're on fire!!" I told him that I was covering the show and he pat me on the back and gave me an approving look and I tell you...any look from those blue eyes is enough to do me in. So, we just kind of stood there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence before he moved over to another group of people and before I knew it, I was yet again taking another photo, this time of an entire group of people. Shortly thereafter, Candi and I collected another hug from Shea after she returned his beer that she'd rescued fro being spilled by the roadies and took our leave.

So...I will have some pictures, probably after vacation and of course, I'll share them with you all, as usual! I hope that you all are well and that this post finds you happy! Take care and I'll talk to you again soon! Love and huggles...Tina

music, ingram hill, concerts, friends

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