
Mar 12, 2010 23:39

Most of the people on my Flist are fellow Numb3rs fans and I know that there's been a lot of talk about the finale tonight and how it could potentially be the last epi.

Well, it doesn't have to be. Instead of sitting around being sad about it, or leaving it up to the network, we need to fight! There are tons of us! We need to raise our voices, let our opinions be heard and let them know that we LOVE this show and that we aren't going down without a fight!

There are still lots of things that we can do, and Rob Morrow himself said that now thru May is going to be the time that we really need to get our letters out there and do our part!

So...let's do this! Let's all come together and show them that no matter what any of them say...even if it seems bleak, we don't care. We love our show and we are going to tell them that until we are blue in the face!

You can go to the link below to find out ways that you can help and I know that there are more out there! Don't give up guys! Let's get our Season 7!!!!



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