Meme: Top 20 Characters

Oct 29, 2009 20:15

Borrowed from mustangcandi. Let the challenge begin!!

1. Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.

2. Have your f-list guess your favorite character/member from each item.

3. When someone guesses correctly, strike through the item and put the name of your favorite character next to it.

1. Numb3rs (TV) - Don (guessed by paranoid_woman)
2. The Mentalist (TV)
3. Stargate: Atlantis (TV) - Sheppard (guessed by cerisereve
4. Star Trek TOS (TV) - Spock (guessed by paranoid_woman)
5. King Arthur (movie) - Tristran (guessed by morrighu)
6. Star Trek XI (movie)
7. Flashpoint (TV) - Spike (guessed by paranoid_woman)
8. SeaQuest DSV (TV)
9. Family Guy (TV)
10. Heroes (TV) - Peter (guessed by elysium1996)
11. LOST (TV)
12. Psych (TV)
13. Lord of the Rings (movie) - Legolas (guessed by munchkinofdoom)
14. Harry Potter (movie)
15. Mutant X (TV)
16. National Treasure (movie) - Riley (guessed by elysium1996)
17. Friends (TV)
18. CSI (TV)
19. New Kids On The Block (band) - Donnie Wahlberg (guessed by munchkinofdoom)
20. Backstreet Boys (band) - AJ (guessed by paranoid_woman)


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