Exciting News!!!!!!!!!

Jun 06, 2009 10:34

Many of you have heard me talk incessantly about Ron Pope and his music. This is going to be another one of those posts.

I first met Ron back in October of 2006 via MySpace. I was instantly addicted to "I Won't Fall Apart" and "Fireflies" and found myself unable to stop listening to him. His voice was not only amazing, but full of emotion -- just like his lyrics.

We started talking back and forth on MySpace and the next thing I know, he's asking me to run his Street Team, and then Candi and I are in the whirlwind of their tour!! We loved surprising them by showing up in random places when they would least expect us. There were late night phone calls and late nights standing on the beach in New Jersey looking up at the beautiful blanket of stars.

We ventured to New York for my birthday and had our Harlem adventures, went out on the town, and sat with Ron in Central Park as he played and sang for us.

Candi and I have both shamelessly plugged his music, his websites, his tour, and even his TRL performance!

Over the past few months, I've been sworn to secrecy about some developments in his career and while it's been excruciating to keep that to myself, I can now share it with you!!!!

After years of working hard, writing songs, singing whenever and wherever he could...Ron Pope has signed an official record deal with Universal Republic!!!!!!!!

This is a HUGE step for Ron, and I really can't wait to see where this takes him! He is so extremely talented and continues to amaze me every single day. If you haven't taken the chance to listen to his music yet, you can do so here:

Ron Pope's Official Website or Ron Pope on MySpace.

If you are interested in reading Ron's note to his fans regarding his next move, you can read it here:

Hey Guys,

I decided to drop ya'll a quick line to share some exciting news...in the last few days, I signed with Universal Republic. My decision to make the move from running everything on my own to partnering with a major label certainly wasn't an easy one. As I've mentioned to all of you over the past few months, the demos I'm putting together for the new record feel a lot bigger than the last album...sonically and from a "people will get this" standpoint. I've always wanted to share my music with the broadest possible audience, and at this point, I know that I need some serious help to get where I want to go. As far as my relationship with all of you is concerned, nothing is going to change. Working with a major label will grant me access to things I couldn't get to before, and I couldn't have picked a better group of people to work with. Republic is still run by the same two guys who started it on their dining room table more than a decade ago...they're brothers...even though it's a big company, it's still kind of like a family business, which I think is pretty cool.

Just wanted to keep ya'll in the loop. This project belongs to all of you just as much as it belongs to me, because without the grassroots movement that you started, the only people that would know about my music are my roommates. In the end, the only thing that matters is my relationship with each of you, and I want ya'll to know that for me, that's always going to be the case. You carried me this far on your backs, and the only way I'm going to get to the next step is if ya'll continue to stand with me. I hope that my music continues to be a part of your lives. Thank you.

I just posted the version of "Home" from 'Goodbye, Goodnight' on myspace. Check it out. Also, please also follow me on Twitter... Ron Pope on Twitter
Ya'll be good to each other.


universal, ron pope

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