New Kids On The Block - 2008

Nov 02, 2008 11:54

Hey there guys!! I’ve been too busy and stuff to post this until now, but I am sure if you know me at all, you knew this was coming! Candi and I went to see the New Kids on the Block the other night and of course I have to post my thoughts. I’m putting it under a cut because I am sure that I will get long-winded and squee-ish…hahaha

Opening for the boys was the very beautiful and talented Natasha Bedingfield. My goodness I just love her and if I could have her voice for only one day…I don’t think I’d stop singing the entire day. LOL She was awesome and of course when she sang “Unwritten” and got to the really dramatic part in the middle, I totally had goosebumps and sang to the top of my lungs…that’s what it’s all about, baby!!

Next, was Lady Gaga. I’ll admit…until I saw her name on the NKOTB album…I’d never heard of her. I do like her voice though and so I was excited to see her performance…but um…well…I wasn’t impressed. It wasn’t that the music was bad…there was just something about the performance that left a lot to be desired. I can’t explain it…but it made me impatient. LOL

I’d like to start out by saying that many, many moons ago in a land called West Virgina, there was a young girl who discovered the phenomenon that was The New Kids on the Block. This girl was very, very excited to meet someone who also loved the boys and they became fast friends, solidifying their bond over the years - growing with the boys and sharing in the devastation of their breakup. These girls became more than friends and closer than sisters and after 17 years were more than excited to see their friendship come full circle when they realized that the boys were once again reuniting and their dream of seeing them in concert would be coming true…so you see…this was more than just another concert, this was a milestone and a testament and celebration of friendship…and so we begin:

The show started with the dramatic suspense of a large screen announcing that after 15 years…the boys were back…I was already nearly jumping up and down and was definitely screaming to the top of my lungs. Haha

And then…just when I thought I couldn’t take the suspense any longer, out came the boys. I honestly couldn’t believe it. I was really there and this…was really happening. I was actually in the same building as the 5 men that I had spent a large portion of my life adoring. They started singing and I knew that honestly, life couldn’t be better. Here I was at this amazing event with my best friend right beside me…it was truly a dream come true.

Now, I’d heard before the concert (and yes, as you all know, I hate spoilers…when it comes to EVERYTHING) that the boys wouldn’t be playing their old stuff and I’d resigned myself to accepting that. So…imagine my excitement and my surprise when the second song was “Favorite Girl” I jumped and screamed and with shaky hands, pulled out my phone for the promised concert call to seramercury. I’m sorry you didn’t hear much girlie…I know that when Danny started singing, I was screaming to the top of my I am probably partially responsible. LOL

Donnie was just as playful and flirty as he’s always been and for some reason, was really working his ass that night. LOL At one point, he turned around and told the cameras to zoom in and I really thought that he was going to take a cue from his brother and just drop his pants…but he didn’t. LOL

It was so amazing to have that many people singing along to their songs…especially when the guys would cue the audience and the music would stop and there was just this chorus of all of us just singing our hearts out.

The guys all looked AMAZING!! I have to tell you…I always thought, “Aww…look how adorable Jonathan is...” well…there was NOTHING adorable about that man during this concert…I was like, “RAWR! I am gonna throw him over my shoulder and take him home with me.” Hahahah

The music was exactly what I wanted…they even sang, “Didn’t I Blow Your Mind” going waaaay back…it was so made of win and I’ve always loved that song so much. Mom loved it too and I SO wished she was there for that. Hehe

They sang, “If You Go Away” and of course it was amazing…that’s song’s been on my list of all-time faves since it came out. But…at the end of the song, on the big screen was a tribute in memory of people lost: fellow musicians, actors, friends, and more importantly…family members. It was so touching and such a wonderful gesture…see why I love them?!?!?!

After that pause…we were happily surprised to see that the boys were now MUCH closer to us on a turnstile surrounding a piano. Oh, what a wonderful gift. Now, those who know me know that Donnie has always been my fave (yes I know, there I go again with the Donnies…lol) and Joey was my second runner-up. Well…not in this case. OH MY GOD - Jonathan and Danny looked soooooooooooo hot that I couldn’t take my eyes off of them even if I wanted to. I mean, lord a mercy!! Nnnnngh!! Whew!! Yes…it was THAT good. I was so excited to have them that close for three songs and YAY they sang Candi’s fave: Tonight!!!

I had a moment of envy when the guys left to get back onstage and they reached out to some of the fans around them and I yelled out, “OH! I SO hate those girls right now!” hahaha *shrugs In the moment…it was so true.

(Pausing to insert another moment…Danny was breakdancing on stage and oh my goodness gracious!!!! He was so amazing and so hot and I was absolutely loving it!! I’m so glad that he got to do that! I don’t think Danny gets enough attention…hehe)

Once back onstage, they sang “Twisted” from the new album “The Block”…if you don’t have it…you should totally go get it. *wink What was great about this song was that at the end, Joey and one of the dancers did a routine and I yelled out, “OMG it’s Dancing With the Stars!!!” It was made of win!

Next…oh lord next….*braces self for memory. “Baby, I Believe in You” started playing and it was just Jordan up there with these lights behind him and yes…a wind machine. He was wearing a white button down shirt and it was so sexy…but wait…there’s more…the next thing I know, his shirt is open and the big screen camera is panning down his chest and stomach and I think I seriously got pregnant. My LORD I didn’t know THAT was under those clothes of his. I can tell you one thing right now…that song will NEVER be the same. EVER. GUH!! I even had to lean on Candi for a minute while I got my bearings back…I probably drooled all over the floor. WHEW!!!! Nnnnnnngh!!

I was finally starting to recover from that when he sang “Give It To You.” Those of you who know about Jordan’s solo album will know this song. Well, in keeping with the solo-ness, Joey came out and sang “Stay the Same” from HIS solo album. *sighs I SO totally love that song and always have. It makes me cry…such a beautiful, wonderful, and positive message. I think that everyone should listen to that song at least once a month just to put things back into perspective. It’s true…I do.

Then Donnie came out and did a solo version of “Cover Girl,” and had a lot of fun with that. There were points throughout the song where the music would completely stop so that he could hear the audience sing parts of it! YAY for fun-ness!!!!!

Next was “I’ll be Loving You Forever” and I wanted to call my little cousin, Jess soooooo badly. When she was a baby and I used to babysit for her, she would NOT under any circumstances take her nap unless I walked with her while the video version of that song played. Therefore, it always makes me think of her. : )

Of course during the course of the concert, Donnie came out and talked to all of us, saying that everyone said that we, the fans, wouldn’t come back…wouldn’t support them after all this time and of course that only made us all the more resolved. I, for one, thought that it made it even more special that this was my first time seeing them because I wasn’t just on the bandwagon when they were popular the first time…I was one of the loyal ones who were SOOOOOO excited when they came back and absolutely loved the show and who these guys are NOW.

It was also announced that the fans are actually the 6th member of the group…and yeah…that really made me feel good.

When the boys left the stage and the lights went down, the crowd of course, went wild! We were all screaming and clapping and then the most glorious thing happened. The entire arena started chanting, “Oh oh oh oh OH…Hangin’ Tough!” Unless you were there, you really can’t imagine how powerful that felt…everyone in there…united in this anthem that we all knew and loved.

Of course the lights came back up…and the boys came back out…singing “Step by Step”. I loved it because when it got to the part where they say, “Step 1”…etc, the audience got to say all of the steps…FUN!!!!! I love audience participation at concerts!!

They left again and I think we all screamed with what little voices we had left and yes it’s true…the boys came out with a second encore…and oh yes…it was Hangin’ Tough!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Every single thing about this concert, every moment, every note sung, every dance move…was perfect and just as it should have been. I had SO much fun and it was even more than I had ever imagined that it would be. I am still reliving moments from it over and over again and at times, I can still hardly believe that it was real…that we were really there.

We got t-shirts as a souvenir and I can’t wait to wear mine. Hehe

There are, of course, tons of things that I left out because I can’t possibly write every moment and every feeling here, but honestly…they put on a GREAT show…2 hours long and full of energy and humor and great music. It was, as Larry would say, “an untwinnable event” and one that I’ll never forget. But…it wouldn’t have meant nearly as much if Candi hadn’t been there with me, reliving our entire friendship within those 2 wonderful hours! You’re the best, Ce!!!

Unfortunately we don’t have pictures because they said there weren’t cameras allowed (although everyone and their brother brought cameras). We had never been to this venue before and didn’t know the rules, I was actually surprised by how lax the security was.

But anywhooooo….if you get a chance to see these guys, definitely take it. You might not have the sentimental attachments that I have…but it will be a kick-ass show - that’s a promise!!

nkotb, candi

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