Book Meme

Sep 29, 2008 08:15

List 10 books you have on your bookshelf that you think nobody else on your friends list has on theirs.

Since everyone else is doing it. :P

1. King Arthur by Frank Thompson - I LOVE this book. It's actually based on the Clive Owen version of this movie and the story is just amazing...I've read it several times already. I ♥ Tristran. (Yes, I seemingly have a thing for hot assassin archers aka Legolas. LOL)

2. The Princess Bride by William Goldman - LOVE the movie...always have...oh darling Westley! hehe The book is really entertaining and I actually had conversations with random strangers at the bus stop about reading the book. Though, at the end, there is a teaser called Buttercup's Baby that is a lost sequel. You are supposed to be able to write to the company and request a copy of it, but when I did, they said that it never really got finished. Harumph.

3. When Strangers Marry by Lisa Kleypas - This book was recommended by a co-worker of mine and she got me sucked into this author's stories of this particular family. When Candi and I went to the beach, I spent my time there reading 2 of these books. Great stuff!! And yes, it's a romance novel. LOL

4. Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux - This is one of my all-time favorite books. Someone that I was babysitting for let me borrow it and I loved it soooo much. She ended up giving it to me for my was my first romance novel. hehehe

5. The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin - This book is the first in a series that I just LOVE!! My friend Megan turned me on to them and then when I was housesitting, the person conveniently had all of the series and so I ended up finishing it and then purchasing the books for myself. For your sake, I hope none of you saw the SciFi movie of sucked up the place and completely changed ALL of the important parts of the book. I SO hate them for that!!! ARGH!!

6. Traitor Winds by LA Graf - This is one of three Star Trek books that I have that trekwriter sent to me. This one focuses a lot on Sulu and it's made of win!

7. The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King - Man...I haven't read this book in ages!! I know it's not one of Stephen's well-known books, so I doubt that many people have this one. If you're a fan though, you should check it out.

8. The Fabulous Girl's Guide to Grace Under Pressure by Kim Izzo and Ceri Marsh - This book was sent to me by the lovely angeliksmall and it's SO fun! I haven't read it all the way through, but then again, it's not really that kind of book. It's more like, what is the situation...let's see what this book says about it. Thanks girlie!!!

9. The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks - Nicholas is one of my fave authors, even though he usually makes me bawl my eyes out. haha This book was a little different than his others...more action. I really really enjoyed it! I have almost all of his books! I was excited when I was getting ready to move to North Carolina because that's where he's from and where a lot of his books take place. I know, I'm a dork. hehe

10. Persuasion by Jane Austen - I am not going to lie...I actually bought this book after seeing the movie "The Lakehouse." I have a sordid affair with time and it's mysteries and this movie really appealed to me. I will also admit that I haven't read past the first chapter. I have so many books that I am reading right day I'll finish it. LOL

meme, books

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