
Jun 23, 2008 13:42

I have to say that Saturday was one of the most fun days that I have had in ages. Candi and I decided last week that we would have a "movie day" on Sundays and take turns choosing movies, mainly because we both have a lot of movies the other hasn't seen...or fun movies that we've never seen together.

Well...this week on Saturday morning, we were both just ready to watch some tv. We rarely do watch tv and so it was nice to just hang out with my bestie in our den! We started off by watching Heartbreak Ridge by Clint Eastwood. If you love smart asses and the military...you HAVE to watch this movie. Candi has been telling about this movie for years and I am soooo glad that I finally had a chance to watch it.

We both had a great time...lots of laughs and explosions, but it left us wanting more. We decided to try a different tactic. We both watch series' that the other doesn't watch.

So...we traded. We watched the pilot of Stargate Atlantis (one I watch) and the first two epis of Rescue Me (since the pilot is 2 parts in Atlantis). We both had a great time getting a taste of what the other watches. We both always talk about these shows to one another, so it was really fun getting to watch them together from the beginning!!

We ended up watching about 8 Atlantis epis all together...hahaha. I can't even tell you how excited and happy I am that Candi loves Atlantis. I didn't really think that she liked it and I never pushed her to watch any of that kind of stuff, so it was thrilling to know she wanted to keep watching! I can't wait until we get to Season 2 and Ronon goodness. LOL

I am also really looking forward to watching more of Rescue Me. I mean, come on, it's Dennis Leary and a show about firefighters. How can you really go wrong?

Also...I finally got to start at the beginning of Friends! I know..shock! I was never into it when it was mainstream and started watching epis here and there in the evenings but it was fun to go back to the beginning and see how it all got started. : )

I think the best part was just hanging out with my best friend and getting even closer by sharing our fandoms. lol I know that sounds silly, but it's just one more thing that we'll have in common now and I think that's awesome!

Yesterday I also talked to my friend Megan and found out that she's engaged!!!! CONGRATS Megan!!!!!!!!! I am so completely excited for her!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!

I also talked to my brother a couple of times this weekend as well as my sister-in-law.

Candi and I also took our first walk around the neighborhood. I think it was fruitful. Not only did we get a better feel for the place, but we got exercise, and talked about landscaping ideas. FUN! We are going to make walking a nightly thing as long as we both aren't completely exhausted. : )

I think mainly we just needed to get into a routine to feel settled and now the taking care of ourselves can resume. : )

I hope that you all had a good weekend!!!!!!! Love, hugs,and smiles!!!

heartbreak ridge, megan, candi, rescue me, clint eastwood, walking, stargate atlantis, friends

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