I'm doing it again...

Jun 20, 2008 22:14

There for a while I was doing so good with posting here regularly. I've fallen back into my old ways of thinking that nothing is really going on or it's stuff I'd rather not talk about, so I just come in here and read. hehe

For the most part, there hasn't really been anything really exciting going on. I was sick for a while which zapped pretty much all of my energy and what I DID have, I used on my neverending mission of looking for a job. This place is bigger than Chapel Hill and yet I am finding it hard to get anyone to take the bait here. hehe

I have applied for over 20 positions at the University of Georgia. I've watched several of them be filled with disappointment in my eyes. Monday though, I got a letter from the Athletic Dept. acknowledging that they received my application and that managers would be interviewing soon. I am crossing my fingers that I at least get an interview.

I went today to a local staffing agency and went through the rigamaroll of taking their tests and all that jazz and even though I have been pretty excited about it all week I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed and disheartened. I think maybe I am spoiled by Office Team. LOL There was just something unprofessional about the place...if you could see the direct deposit form, you'd be executing a perfect "Spock WTF eyebrow" right now. LOL

I'm not giving up though...I'll try to have some faith in them and in the meantime, keep working at it. In fact, I applied for another UGA position as soon as I got home today. hehe

I've also been working on one of my websites and have almost completed my contract, so that will be glorious! The first woman I was doing a site for just kind of flaked out on me and forgot to take her meds or something because she went weirdo on me. I mean...nothing mean or anything...she just seemed to not remember anything...LOL It's hard to explain...but luckily she paid me as I went, so I did get paid for what I had done before she went mad. LOL I don't like it that it's not finished though, so I may try and contact her sometime and see if she is of any clearer mindset.

I got a letter from my sister and she is doing well. I am sooooooo glad to hear it and to know it. It makes me feel infinitely better to know that she is taking care of herself and that she has someone to love who loves her and all that jazz. It really does my heart good.

Some sad news is that my grandfather recently passed away. He and granny has this off and on thing going my whole life so he's always been around. He always did love me to pieces and I was the only person who could get him to karaoke when I went home. haha. I know that I wasn't much of a comfort to my granny because I just get too emotional...but I did the best I could.

On a much lighter note, I've been super excited for Candi lately! She started her job at the EPA and things are going sooooooo well! It's so good to know that her co-workers and her boss treat her with the respect that she deserves!! After all the shit that she's had to put up with and all the hard work she's done...she deserves this happiness more than anyone. I am sooooo happy for her!!!!

In other news: Mercy Mercedes is signed now and they posted a new song today! WHEEEE!! I was really excited about that.

Finally...today would have been my mama's birthday. She would have been 51 today. I can't believe that!! I don't know why, but that just seems weird. LOL Probably because I kept her at 34 for tons of years. hahahaha

Anywho...I miss her, but I'm doing all right. : ) Love ya mama!

grandpa, candi, mercy mercedes, mama, job search, heather, websites, uga

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