Welcome to Nature Walk

Apr 17, 2008 00:39

First of all...for those of you who are on both Candi's friends list and mine...I apologize for the double posting of these pics...but they need to be shared. *smish

For those of you only on mine...Candi and I went to Athens this week and found our new home. It was a long process, but I am glad for it. It was an educational experience that I wouldn't trade. I enjoyed it for the most part and am looking forward to being in the new house.

Here she is...our new home. Four-bedroom, 2.5 bath, and a two car garage. Even Silver gets her own room. : )

Welcome!! This is the living room...don't mind me standing there looking awful...Candi kept surprising me by getting me in the pics. LOL Naturally all of the furniture you see in the pics belongs to the current tenant. (But LOOK!! A fireplace!!!!) squee!!!

Next, we have what Candi and I like to refer to as the sun room. I love those windows!!

Off from the sun room, we have the kitchen complete with cabinet space, dishwasher, a window above the sink and pantries. This...will be Candi's palace. : )

Now we have the dining room, which you can see is a little small...but we theorize it's something to do with the red paint and have already decided that this will be rectified. You can also see the laundry room there and the washer and dryer will be staying so YAY!!!! The entrance to the garage is to the right there. : )

Heading upstairs now, we have the master bedroom, which will be Candi's. I love this room...it's got lots of light and....

...look there...the shape of this room is great!

And here is the bathroom in Candi's room...there won't be a pic of my bathroom...they are basically identical except mine is in the hallway instead of in my room. : )

There are two smaller rooms that have been dubbed our offices, which we are both very excited about. This...will be Dr. Cunningham's office. *wink

This is my bedroom. Off to the right by the bed, there is a small nook in the wall where I could fit a bookshelf or something like that. Candi was nice enough to consider that with my having this bedroom, the street light won't be shining into my room like it is here where I live now and this makes Tini VERY happy. I no likey light in my room when I am trying to sleep.

This lil room here will be my office. I like it because if you look at the first pic of the house, there is a small rounded window and it's in this room...but...um...it's in the closet. Not sure what that's about, but I still love the window, so whatever. LOL

Then it's back outside again. To the right of the house is this cute little tree...I like the little fella. You can see that we have a bit of yard here on the side before the fence of our neighbor and it's the same way on the other side of the house.

Then my favorite and one of the main reasons I loved this house. This...my friends...is the backyard and those woods...yep...they are ours. This land behind here will NOT be developed and will remain the beautiful woods that they are. *takes a deep breath and sighs contentedly. Candi and I do intend to take out that black fence that is seemingly there for no reason except to distract from the woods. *shoos it away.

Aaaand...one more of the yard just because I love it. I totally want to go walk in those woods...like...REAL bad!!

Anywho...so the neighborhood is reallllllly nice and very very quiet. Candi and I went there several times and all at different times of the day and night and it was always that quiet. Lovely...just lovely. Also...the drive is gorgeous!!!

I have to admit...I really love it and I was sooooo very excited to sign the lease and in fact, I wish we were already there right now. LOL

So...there you have it. The new humble abode of Pinky and the Brain. LOL

Love you guys! *hugs

photos, candi, athens, home

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