Stuff and Things

Mar 18, 2008 22:46

Today was a good day. It really does feel good to be back in my element -- the office environment.

There's a nice/interesting group of people that I work with and basically I get to sit in a room by myself all day at my own desk and transcribe videos and stuff like that.

Heck, the boss was practically begging me to stay with them part time instead of working with them temporarily through the agency. I was half-tempted to take her up on it. But...I didn't want to be hasty, as the Ents would say. *wink

In other news...still talking to Julena frequently -- and loving every minute of it. Her vocabulary is growing daily!! Have I mentioned lately that she's nothing short of adorable? Oh...what's that? You want to see some pictures? SURE!!!

Julena on the merry-go-round

Julena and her mama (Jess)

The sliding board...and a twisty one! WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

If this isn't a beautiful and precious picture, I just don't know what is. *huggles her

I'm still chugging along working on various websites and still enjoying it, so that's good news. lol

Since I haven't mentioned it yet...the trip to the beach was really nice. I tried to relax as much as possible and it was great just hearing the ocean and being able to look out the window and see it at all times.

It was good to be away and to live out of my bags for a couple of days and just not care about anything except Candi. *huggles her. In all honesty, I could have used more time there...but there's always next time, right? I did get to start reading a book...that's a luxury I haven't afforded myself in quite a while. (Thanks Candi)

Here are a couple of pictures:

A satellite hovering above the earth took these remarkable images of what we thought were only mountains in Egypt....

Apparently...this face is trying to eat our oceans...LOL Sorry...I was very fascinated by this. Kudos to whoever made it...they did one hell of a job.

This my friends, is the incredible sunrise that I slept through. It's true...I haven't seen many sunrises in my time. lol

On Friday,'s true...I was there...I saw the whole thing. haha

DOLPHINS!!! MY FAVORITE!!! I've been fortunate enough that almost every time I've been to the beach, I've seen dolphins at some point. Seriously...LOVE dolphins...

MORE news...Ron Pope is working on a Limited Edition Album that you can only get your hands on May 1st - April 1st by going to his website which will be at Why no link? Because...the site is still under construction...but it will be there...and so will the CD and this is the ONLY time and place that you can get all you fans out there...git er done!!

I'm sure there's lots more going on, but I just can't ever think of it all. LOL I am sure that you are all in shock due to the length of this post after the tiny ones you're used to I'll let this one simmer with you for a bit.

Have safe...and know I love you!! *huggles

websites, julena, beach, ron pope, work

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