
Jan 11, 2008 18:36

Well, I can honestly say that my trip home was one of the most exhausting ones ever. I definitely didn't feel like it was a vacation. haha

Anywho...after a bit of a hassle, I rented a car and the next day, it was off to West Virginia. I have to say that it was nice being in the car and making that journey by myself. It's been years since I've done it.

Well, I arrived home safe and sound and then the next morning my brother met me at my grandma's house and with a thermos of coffee and a packed lunch, we headed out on our own adventure. We had planned a secret trip to Knoxville to see our sister, Heather.

The trip was fun...we listened to music, took walks down memory lane and were generally silly like we always are. There were a few fun signs that we saw along the way that we noted down:

No parking, stopping, sitting, standing (there were 5 signs each within like 2 feet of each other -- think they meant it?)

Scratch Gravel Road

The Birthplace of Davey Crockett

A giant billboard that said "Road Candy"

and our favorite: Hungry Mother State Park (hehehe)

(Thanks to Candi for looking after me and making out such wonderful directions for me to follow on every single leg of my journey -- squishes!!!!)

Sam and I made it to Knoxville without incident and were soon looking up at Heather's apartment with our hearts nearly pounding out of our chests. We weren't sure what to expect, especially after such a long drive and it had been years since we've all seen each other!!!

We stood outside of her door and looked to each other, both taking a deep breath before Sam said to move to the side so it would be a surprise and then he knocked. We heard music inside, but it seemed like it took forever for the door to open (you know how it is when your nerves are on edge and you're anxious).

Finally, the door opened and Heather was looking at both me and Sam with this wide-eyed expression on her face like she couldn't really believe what she was seeing. She then just started muttering, "Oh my God!" over and over again and Sam, being the funny man that he is, broke the tension by saying, "Well, you wouldn't answer me on MySpace, so I thought I would just have to come down here and kick your ass in person."

She hugged us both numerous times and told us that when she looked through the peephole, she pulled back and rubbed her eyes and looked again, not believing that we were really out there. That few minutes alone made the entire trip worthwhile. : )

I've never seen Heather look so healthy and so happy. Her apartment is cozy and she's really made it her home (this is her first apartment, so I am very proud). She has a nice job, a nice boyfriend, and is just really getting her shit together. I can't even express to you how proud and how happy I am knowing this.

We spent the night talking and laughing and reminiscing and listening to music (of course). It was great times and I am so very very glad that we all got to spend that time together. It was really hard to leave her the next morning, but she got up when we did and made us all some coffee and sent us off with some famous pumpkin muffins from where she works and they were the bomb diggity.

So...once again Sam and I were off and on the road back to West Virginia. By now, I have to admit that I was a bit on edge. This was the third 6 and a half hour drive that I had made in three days and I hadn't gotten more than a couple hours sleep either night so I was teetering on the edge of exhaustion.

Therefore, this trip seemed much longer and it was a bit overcast but we made it home and I dropped Sam off at Aunt Norma's and she fed me some pork and sauerkraut and then I went to granny's and took a small nap.

The next day, I was off to Aunt Norma's to see my niece Julena. No one was there when I arrived, so I spent about 45 minutes just hanging out in the country sitting on the porch swing. It was nice. Just when I was giving up...everyone came home and I got to hang out with the cousins and watch Talladega Nights (Sam's all-time fave movie)

Now, I know I shouldn't have...but I got sad during the evening because Julena was really shy around me and quite honestly didn't really want to have anything to do with me. I know in my heart and mind...I've only seen her twice in her life and the last time I saw her, she was 4 months old...so there's no way that she could remember me. But...it was a rough evening nonetheless.

The next morning, however...the girls went to school and Aunt Norma went to work, so it was just me and Sam and Julena and she warmed up to me and we wrote together and played ball and she asked me a million times where Daddy was anytime he wasn't in the room. LOL

We all had breakfast together and then it was time to take her back to her mom, so we loaded up the car (yes, the car again dear lord...hahah) and drove about an hour each way to get her home and then Sam back to Aunt Norma's.

By this time, I was soooooooo tired. I went to granny's and took a nap and then this was my last night at home. I talked to Candi some online (like you didn't see that coming) and then worked a puzzle with Aunt Deb and chatted for a while before singing a few songs for grandma and grandpa.

I left early the next morning and went to visit my mom and dad's graves (thanks Candi) and it was really nice. Granted, I stayed there longer than I intended cause I had to get myself together before I could drive, but it was really something that I needed to do. I had not been there alone since mama passed away and so whenever I went there, I just distanced myself from the whole situation because someone was always with me. But, I had a nice long talk with mama and felt better for it.

It was supposed to rain on me all the way back to NC, but thank you baby Jesus in the manger, it was sunny and wonderful all the way home. I immediately took a shower (my whole family smokes and therefore everything I own smells like it when I come back) and then took a nap.

I've spent the last couple of days trying to get settled back in and did my laundry and all of that. Last night Candi and I had a wonderful time watching 13 Going on 30 with our hair in pigtails and everything! It was awesome!!!!! We also had dinner with Scott and Dave and it was nice.

Candi and I did some maintenance on our house plants since it was so wonderful outside and then took a nice walk in the sunshine. We have decided that we are both ready to start taking better care of ourselves and therefore, we'll do it. We just both had to be ready. : )

I am looking forward to that. So...all in all...I am glad I went home, though it was anything BUT a vacation and I am still exhausted from it. I am also glad to be back here and in my own space and my own apartment. *sighs

Tonight is a new epi of Numb3rs and I can't friggin wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, tomorrow is back to work and dinner with Brett and Autumn. I will also start back up on working at my business and am dabbling in looking at a part time gig so that I can only work part-time at Whole Foods. That place is killing my soul, little by little and I just can't do it anymore.

Wow..I've been talking a lot. hehe

I am going to get going and enjoy what's left of my vacation. But I love you guys and will talk to you soon!! *huggles and smiles...Tina

family, health, home, numb3rs, work

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