Sam Thacker

Aug 29, 2007 01:14

*sighs contentedly

After a year, Sam Thacker returned to Carrboro, NC and Candi and I went to see him! YAY!!!!!!!

I think my soul was dying a little bit with the lack of live music that I've had going on in my life lately. So, this was very very good for me indeed. Honestly, I feel more alive than I have in a long time.

The surprise? The venue was PACKED!!!!!!! There was a huge line outside when we arrived and considering the fact that there were MAYBE 25 people there last year when he came, Candi and I were wondering if we had the right show, but Sam had texted me and so we stood in line for quite a while before getting in.

The set was awesome, as usual and he had Michael Westbrook (his band lead guitarist) with him and so that was a neat little spin from the last time that we saw him perform solo. Aside from the crowd and being surrounded by college clones, it was a great time.

Afterwards we waited to talk to him and he is such a great person that I can't even tell you. If you ever get the chance to see/meet it. Michael was just as sweet and though it was a brief was wonderful and I can't wait to see him again!!

Michael, Me, and Sam. Sam smiled as he looked over my head at Michael right before this was taken and said, "Awww...look, it's our little valley." HAHAHA Can't say I've ever been called that before, but I took it as endearing and humorous.

The moral of the story is that Sam Thacker is a musician and as a person and I am very thankful to know him and also thankful that I got to see him.

A huge huge huge thanks to mustangcandi for going with me!! I heart you!

sam thacker, music

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