Danke kukalaka!!!

Jul 25, 2007 23:10

Fanny!!!! I got your postcard today sweet girl and it's lovely!

I love the purple-icity of it!

I agree with you that we are in dire need of beaming technology! I don't want you to watch Numb3rs alone anymore either!!

*snugs you

Thank you for thinking of me, sweet girl! ♥♥♥

postcards, friends, numb3rs

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kukalaka July 26 2007, 05:14:46 UTC
Whee, yay, I'm glad it came and that you like it :) *hugs*


julietm July 26 2007, 05:16:41 UTC
I love it...thank you again. : )

I am still concerned about you not having Internet when you move...what am I going to do without you?!?!


kukalaka July 26 2007, 05:27:16 UTC
It was fun sending the card. :)

I won't be gone entirely, I still can post updates from school I think. But I'm gonna try to find a solution. I'm such a junkie, I can't live without it...


julietm July 26 2007, 05:31:57 UTC
I'm glad to hear you say that because I would go into withdrawals!! Life just wouldn't be the same now that I've found my long lost sister! : )


kukalaka July 26 2007, 05:36:25 UTC
because I would go into withdrawals!
Me too. I love talking to you and really will miss it.


julietm July 26 2007, 05:38:09 UTC
*hugs you tightly

We'll figure it out! : )

Let's be excited about your move instead! This is a great and wonderful opportunity for you and I can't wait to see pics of where you will be living and all of that. : )


kukalaka July 26 2007, 05:47:02 UTC
I'm not so excited about the move itself, because it's so exhausting. I was so dead yesterday and we didn't even had to carry so much stuff. But I'm looking forward to my new room and making it comfy.
I'm glad I have a 1GB memory card in my camera, so I can do many many pics.


julietm July 26 2007, 05:52:16 UTC
Moving IS exhausting. I am not a big fan of it. You know what though? You've got the ultimate cheerleaders in me and Candi and we'll support you in any way that we can! Ok?!?!?


kukalaka July 26 2007, 06:02:34 UTC
I am not a big fan of it.
Me neither. But my family moved around a lot...

You've got the ultimate cheerleaders in me and Candi and we'll support you in any way that we can! Ok?!?!?
Hee, yay! :)


julietm July 26 2007, 06:04:34 UTC
Also...moving and unpacking should be fun with Colby helping...getting to watch that big strong man carrying boxes and being nice and sweaty for you...


kukalaka July 26 2007, 06:08:17 UTC
Hee, imaging that will help a lot. :D


julietm July 26 2007, 06:10:05 UTC
I thought so. : )

Well sweet girl..I am heading out for the night, but I'll talk to you soon! *huge huge huggles...


kukalaka July 26 2007, 06:11:22 UTC
Sleep well! *hugs you back*


julietm July 26 2007, 06:12:21 UTC
Danke! Guten tag!


kukalaka July 26 2007, 06:17:41 UTC
Haha, I love when you're writing German! Gute Nacht!


julietm July 26 2007, 06:19:02 UTC
MWAH ♥♥♥


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