Funny funny!

Jun 19, 2007 00:34

As many of you know, I work at Whole Foods Market and I've seen some pretty outlandish things while I've worked there, but today I saw something that really just cracked me up.

One of my fave bagger boys...Colton Johnson likes to try the new vitamin waters that we have and so when a new one came in today, he was one of the first to scoop one up. When I saw what it rang up as in the description = XXX, what could I do but give him a hard time?

We shared a laugh and that's when he handed it to me and told me to read the label. I swear on all that is holy and on Don's thigh holsters that this is a real and true label that has not been manipulated in any way:

Is this crazy to anyone else?!?!

colton, funny stuff, work

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