
Jun 18, 2007 00:16

Oy. This has been one hell of a week.

For those of you who don't know, I did something to my neck/shoulder and I think that even though it started bothering me when I was bending over to towel my hair dry that it's actually stress related.

Anyways...I am dealing with that and have been off work for the past couple of days, but still struggling with homework.

So...I got that done tonight...a few minutes ago, actually and now I am plunging into finals this week.

Also, my housesitting stint is over tomorrow.

Ok...going to put some of this soothing gel on my neck and shoulder. Thanks to mustangcandi for looking out for me and taking care of me while I am down for the count. I appreciate you!!

Hearts and huggles to all...T

housesitting, school, back, work

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