
Aug 24, 2006 21:17

So, the story begins on the Wednesday night of the week that I was home in West Virginia. I had spent the evening with my aunt and two cousins and I am pretty sure that we'd all had a pretty fun time of it, but alas...it was time for bed.

Naturally we were REALLY tired, but once Jess and I started talking...well, you know how girls are...there was no stopping us. haha

We'd been chatting for AGES when Jess was telling me about this guy and this weird thing that he does with his eyes. Naturally, she turned on the light so that I could see her and as I was watching, something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye.

I said, "Jess, I think something is flying around in here."

We both looked around and shrieked, "BAT!"

We quickly covered up our heads squealing glirlishy all the while. Jess asked what we were going to do and at that point, I was just as freaked out as she was and said I didn't know. After a few moments and a couple of peeks out, I noticed that the bat was getting closer and closer to us. I squealed really loudly and snuggled closer to Jess and in a frantic tone told her she had to turn off the light. She did and we just lay there and that's when it dawned on me that I was retarded...bats aren't bugs and don't go towards the light.

Jess wasn't wanting any part of the light being off anyways because she wanted to see where the thing was...me? I wanted to get the heck out of there and would rather NOT see where it was. hahaha

So, I peeked out once and saw that the bat had landed on some stuff behind her door. While it was there, I came up with a plan...since it had started flying so low...we should roll off of the bed onto the floor and and make our way out to the door.

Jess informed me that if she was going to get off of the bed, she was just going to be running towards the door and wasn't agreeing that I had a good plan...so we lay there and squealed as it flew around more.

However, she finally agreed to at least try. We separated the two blankets that were on the bed so that we each had one as a shield. So, she bravely looked out before heading off and there the bat was, right at eye level with her. More squealing ensued. That, my friends was the end of any thoughts of my plan that had entered our minds previously.

I peeked out again and got an idea...I was going to try and throw a pillow at it and try and knock it down long enough for us to get out of the room. I threw it, but to no avail and it was soon swooping right over our heads again.

By this time, we had been trapped in there with this flying rodent for almost an hour...not to mention the time that it was in there before we realized it. Jess said that she thought it was just the curtain blowing in the fan when she'd seen something earlier. Thank you Aaron Enoch for distracting me from sleep! hahaha

At this point, I looked out and the bat was literally skimming our heads and this was the last straw for Jess. She began screaming for her mom to the top of her lungs. I told her that her mom was the deepest sleeper I knew and that she'd never hear her. However, she said maybe her sister Ashley would hear and that would work...whatever happened...she had to try...and try she did, bless her heart.

Again...we waited and I kept peeking out and finally I didn't see it at all...I told Jess and we made a run for it, blankets and all and I quickly closed the door while Jess ran down the stairs, screaming all the while. She was also yelling up the stairs at me, asking me if I were crazy for still being up there!

I was making sure that it was still in the room and I wasn't sure if backup was on the way or not. After a while, I heeded to Jess and went downstairs with everyone else. So there we were...all four of us gals...Aunt Norma and Ashley just wanting to go to sleep and Jess and I still on the brink of panic from over an hour of being trapped in a small space with a bat.

Needless to say...we didn't get much sleep and Jess kept making me laugh by quoting Napoleon Dynamite just when I was calming down. She's a riot I tell you!

Anyways...so the next morning, Aunt Norma and I armed ourselves with badminton rackets and were prepared to take down this beast of horror. We looked ALL OVER the room and couldn't find it. That evening, she went back up there and found that she didn't have the courage to go in there after all when she saw it flying and a neighbor came over and had killed it in like 2 minutes!!!

Whew...that is one thing I NEVER want to do again, that's for sure!!!! However...if it had to happen...Jess...I'm glad it was with you Buddy Pal! Love you girlie!!! *huggles T

bats, home

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