The Boyz are back in town!

Aug 23, 2006 19:31's true...Starting Tuesday is in town for one night only!!!

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am...was...and will be...hahaha

I knew that they were coming into town and KEN called me today to invite me to dinner. Thanks mustangcandi for the ride!

So, I went and it was like *I* was the celebrity...I could have used a little less attention, but sometimes I have to admit that it's nice. : )

It was so great to see everyone and get caught up on how they are doing...the progress of the album and to have them ask me genuine questions as well. They are such a great bunch of guys...seriously if you get the chance to meet should.

So, I am working the show tonight and I think it's going to be great. They are going to play some new stuff and the old stuff is always great!!!

I just can't wait...I just...can't!!

starting tuesday

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