Once upon a time...

Jul 19, 2006 19:24

...Tini took Steven and Lily to see Boxbomb for Steven's birthday back in June. Alas, I have the pictures uploaded and ready to share...so...enjoy.


Before the main attraction, there were a few smaller bands that were playing. While enjoying the music, I decided to snap a pic of my fave lovebirds! Aren't they the cutest????

This is Ryan - the lead singer of Boxbomb. He was singing some new stuff! YAH!

ROB!!! Big fan...over here. THEN what does he do to me? Play keyboards right in front of me! haha. This was a part of the new stuff too and I SOOOO loved it! GO ROB!!!

Rob again. Ahem...I couldn't help it...here he was playing my favorite part of "Take Me Home"...I mean...I really love it and always miss some of it cause I close my eyes too. haha

WOOT! Me and Rob after the show! I had a pic taken before, but our faces were obliterated by flash...hehe. Thanks to Joy and all of her friends all around the world who worked on those for me!

And this was Miss Lily in the car after the show. I was trying to use up the rest of the film and what better way than to capture the smile of a good friend? BTW...Lily and I have the same birthday!!

steven, lily, boxbomb

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