Oct 10, 2005 21:21
A lot is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus i cry very often. Sandro makes me sad. I seriously dont get why the hell did he move to Bologna. I was the happiest girl when he lived in Naples. Lately we've been arguing about everything: i blame everything on him and i think im right most of the time, he doesnt call me as much as he used to, we dont talk as much as we used to and when we talk there is not too much to say. I hate his new life. I dont know if we can make it. PLUS i found some poems some girl his age sent him on his site and I still love him, but at times im not in love with him anymore, then 10 mins. later i melt when i think of him. This is weird. I dont wanna be alone. He says he loves me and that he moved there because of us...he tells me that all the time. I want him to move back to Naples or at least to call me as much as he used to. Or maybe just make me fall for him everytime he hangs the phone like b4.
And the worst thing ever had to happen: i got the job at Ferinoa, i had to wear a way too formal uniform with another girl while most of the other girls wore slutty uniforms. I had to talk at a CO.BI.NA.BE stand about the environment and pollution of some river. The place was too formal and i looked pretty unsexy cause my suit didnt show a thing. BBBBBBUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT i got fired the second day. I got a call from Millenium saying CO.Bi.NA.BE didnt want me anymore cause Carolina (she wasnt even the manager) said i wasnt capable of doing my job. She said she wanted a smart girl, not a model. When i hung the phone i cried for like 2 hours. Then I went to Ferinoa to give her back my uniform and said a lot of bad things to her. She was like "you know you are too pretty and all that but i need some really smart girls in here" i was like WTF and insulted her whole body, i even said she was too dumb for messing with a girl ten years younger than her that of course doesnt have any experience at co.bi.na.be and that she should be very careful as long as she stays in this city. She didnt like me from the beginning, she was kind of mean to me all the time. She is 28 and a non-white pretty short whore too. But everyone knows that even if she is10 years older than me, i can be meaner than her. After saying all i had to say (i told her that she was 2 old to talk behind my back, that she looks like crap, that she had no right to say what she said, that when i turn 28 ill be a 1000 times better than she is cause she is nothing) came back home, hanged out with Celeste and Belen, ate a lot, went to a store with them and some guys were talking on their cell phones and one of them came to where i was and was like "he wants to talk to you". i didnt believe him but then i heard someone was talking to me on this guy's phone. AHhaha he said he saw me b4 at the store and that he liked me and he invited me and the girls to a party. Of course i didnt go cause i love Sandro so much. And he says he loves me too. Im just scared of being cheated on. (Maybe the girl that sends him the poems is just crazy and doesnt even know him. I saw some pics of her, she is a punk/gothic girl. She is 26, Sandro is 25. It all scares me a lot.) Oh and after getting home with Belen and Celeste they went clubbing and i stayed here cause i was too sleepy. Glad i didnt go cause Celeste vomited over a guy she was with. Drunk Bitches!!!!!!
Then on sunday i hanged around with them again, I made a huge mistake. During the night Belen and me didnt have a thing to do so we started messing with ppl on line, even with ppl from aol i dont ever talk to. I was talking to this weirdo, i was playing with him and told him that Belen and me had sex with the same guy. Thats what i've been posting about since for ever. Belen didnt know i was mad at her because of that. She really likes Ignazio. And i did "that" just once with him. Plus i had a bf at the time (of course not sandro). What bothers me is not that she had sex with him, but that he wants her. He used to want me really bad. He even said it when i went to his house with her but she just didnt hear him saying it. I really dont enjoy sharing ex-used-by-Julieta guys with anyone. Even if i used the guy just once he should be mine FOR EVER. Yep, i want what is impossible but i dont give a damn about him, he is just a plain white boy with ugly small brown eyes. But he wanted me so he should never stop wanting me.
The man from millennium still wants me and my sister to model at Costa Sur club. Sandro doesnt want me to do it...but i might do it.
I love Sandro Marchese way too much and i hope things get better between us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!