Feb 03, 2011 01:50
We have our fourth snow day of the semester tomorrow and third one in a row this week. I think we got somewhere around 8 inches on Tuesday? I never really measured it, I just now it was a lot. In related news, it's fucking cold. The low tonight is 1 degree. There's a slight chance of more snow on Friday and Monday, though Friday it is supposed to actually get a couple degrees above freezing.
Oklahomans are so not made to handle this sort of weather, so there is some doubt as to whether we will have school Friday. I was pretty happy to have it called off tomorrow, as I had a lot of work due, but my night class professor has decided to have us do an online discussion assignment thing tomorrow, so I don't get completely out of schoolwork.
My committee meeting went fairly well, didn't last very long at all. I had met with Dr. L beforehand, to try to definitively decide if my thesis topic was going to be something technical (morphological analysis of a problem with the Plains Apache verb) or something more applied (NA languages in higher education or how learning the native/heritage language has positive affects on overall educational achievements). Dr. L said either would be publishable. I ended up choosing something more technical, and though part of me is still doubting if it was the right choice, at least I have a direction to research in now.
My advisor is now Dr. O, since he is the one working on the language. He suggested I look at classificatory verbs, and that perhaps I could even get some fieldwork experience interviewing the speakers he works with and seeing what they do with classificatory verbs, once I've worked them out from the fieldnotes. Sooo I need to really get moving on finishing entering in all those fieldnotes into the program. I am only slightly over halfway done- 900 pages left in the .pdf document. Very encouraging thought.
Then my committee asked if I was finishing up in the fall, which had never occurred to me. Though it is meant to be a 2.5 year program, I should have another year of funding, and I'm not sure what I'd do with myself for the spring semester if I graduated in the fall. If I am only going to be here another semester, I am not sure if Stephen would move over here as now (tentatively, of course) planned for after he graduates in the summer (?). And then of course I've no idea where I'll wind up pursing a PhD. Dang, the future.
I really miss Stephen. This sucks being four hours apart all the time.