I haven’t been to sleep since the night before last... sometimes I am required to do this in order to get my sleep patterns remotely normal... Of course I had no idea of this last night at about 12- 3 has been rapidly becoming my regular bed time- I was looking up a lot of things to do with heavenly creatures (what’s new) and planning on settling down at about 1 or 2. It got to 2:30 so I thought 'ok, now ill go to bed' but unfortunately I had rented out 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and I put it on for 5 minutes. That was a dangerous move considering the quality of this movie, and the fact I had never seen it before. I could not bring myself to turn it off and it ended at about 4:45. Now, the early hours of the morning make me a bit mad, so when I came up with a brilliant and enthrallingly wise quote, I proceeded to write it all over my room... bookcases and everything. This little amusement ended at 5:15 precisely. I reluctantly turned off the movie, which I was re-watching, due to its absolute fabulousness. It started getting light so I looked at my phone... It was Friday the 13th!!! I kept imagining I was seeing things, which made it remarkably difficult to sleep. I decided against the sleeping thing and began running around the house rousing everyone to the fact that it was Friday the 13th (little blighter). I told you I go mad this time of the morning. I couldn’t stop fits of giggles. I ended up having a rather significant conversation with a digital video camera, which took up most of the morning. I put some of this behaviour down to wanting to connect with my school friends; I can send them the video... I had the memory of a goldfish this morning; I don’t think I knew if I was asleep or not.
This is odd, but it entertains me… ‘Unfortunately I have started to get into the drinking from a hip flask thing… Which isn’t a good idea, as it leaves almost no time for not drinking.’ - I seem to have typed this in, unaware of what I mean by it. Although I do have a hip flask.
... the fact that i cant use the last two makes me put them on here... and also because I am begining to fall in love with the phrase 'cheeky blighter'.
Im still feeling hella awake