Title: Up Against the Wall
thelonejuliet Characters: Sam, Dean, abused brick wall
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 1, 272
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Rimming (*headdesk*), boy kissing, voyuerism of sorts, incest...
Spoilers: None that I can see
Disclaimer: Not mine! Soooo not mine!
Author's Note(s): Terribly unbeta'd! I could've had it beta'd, but I wanted to post it, so...you'll have to excuse all the errors!
I know it's an awfully un-original title. And, I was going to call it "Wall Hot" because of an inside joke...involving Jensen...hehe (ask and I shall tell). Anyway, the whole time I was writing it, I had N SYNC's "Up Against a Wall" stuck in my head, so...*shrugs*
Written for
sleepless3333!!! I failed at
this meme and she got to prompt me. She wanted: jealous!Dean...against a wall...happy ending. So, here it is! Hope you like it, Steph...cause it's not what I expected, lol.
All fics found here. Summary: Sam has a plan to seduce his older brother.
Oh, Sam hadn't started out the night with a plan like that. Oh, no. The Winchesters had walked into the bar and he couldn't be blamed if a 6-foot-tall guy with green eyes and blondish hair walked up to him and started flirting. Of course, once he realized that Dean was glaring daggers into the man's head, well... * * * * * * * * * * * *