Title: Caries
Series: Dentist!AU
thelonejuliet Characters: Jared, Jensen, Chad, etc., etc.
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, mention of Jensen/Justin and Jared/Chad
Word Count: 3,369
Rating: R, to be safe
Warnings: Angst, boy kissing, some Justin and Chad bashing
Disclaimer: These people belong only to themselves and their mommas.
Beta: My dear
candygramme. But I fiddled
Read more... )
Anyhoo, great update, though I'm now worried about the boys again. More soon!
Anyway, yay! You're back! *hugs* I'm glad you like this part! And, don't be too worried. Everything will work out in the end!
Next part posted next week!
I'm not too worried, you and I like are endings for the boys to be happy...LOL! And I'll definitely keep my eyes open for the next update.
*huggles my dear*
Wow, you've probably missed a lot... lol. There's been a lot of events packed into the last few. *hugs*
What was the last part you read before this one? OMG - did you miss the Christmas one?! Aww, man! You MUST go catch back up! Shoo!
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