Dream On

Dec 11, 2008 15:59

Last Thursday night, I had two different dreams as I slept, and in both dreams I'd somehow managed to pass the UFE (the third and final professional accounting exam, for anyone just joining us). Sadly, however, as I discovered on last Friday at noon, this was not meant to be. Again. But next year! By George, this exam is GOING DOWN. [Or it'd better, anyway...]

On the plus side, I didn't do nearly as pitifully as last time, but still...not doing as badly is not, of course, the same as actually passing. I don't have any Gandalfian "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" icons on this computer, but I think one of those would be appropriate here. ;P

The Christmas party on Saturday went well, I think -- no BNL for Susan to squee over this year, but we were suitably entertained and we didn't have to sludge through any snow or get pelleted by little slivers of ice on the way to the subway like we did last year, so win-win!

Speaking of dreams (well, two paragraphs ago, at any rate), I have no recollection now what I dreamt of last night [early this morning, more like] but whatever it was managed to wake me up and also made me cry. Weird. I wish I could remember what it was...

L'anyhoodle, that's it for now...I'm still at work and I've basically finished what I need to do today but I'm not off for another hour, so...time to look busy. :P

exams, dreams, work, friends

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