Another exam bites the dust (?)

Sep 17, 2007 18:58

Okay, so in about 14 hours from now, Day 1 of my three-day final accounting exam will be starting, and I must admit, I'm sort of freaking the hell out.

On a rational level (and yes, I do have one of those; be quiet), I know that I've done what I'm supposed to do to prepare and there isn't too much more (though there is a little) that I can do that will actually help my odds at passing the exam.

And it does come down to odds -- even if we're presented with topics/issues we understand, that's no guarantee that we'll actually write about and discuss them the way the board of evaluators wants us to. No guarantees. That's always the worst. No idea whether what you're doing now to prepare will payoff in the slightest on the actual day(s) themselves. Sigh. I feel completely unprepared despite what I've been doing for the past few weeks. Not. prepared. at. ALL.

Anyway, yes, this IS my passive-aggressive, oh-so-subtle way of asking you all to pass your good-lucky vibes in my general direction (Mississauga, specifically, in case someone sends the vibes to downtown Toronto instead, which won't do me any good) over the next three days because good lord do I need 'em.

One way or the other, this will all be over for at least another year (over forever, if I pass! Though "forever" is a funny kind of word), so that's not nothing. BLAAARGH.

Must go crazy prepare a bit more now. See you on the other side, I guess...

(Also, why isn't anyone else guessing song titles on my previous post? Too difficult, or just not interested? Cheat if you must. ;) I expect those all to be done by this weekend :P)


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