I hate television

Apr 26, 2007 10:26

...Well, not really. That would be fairly shocking.

What I do hate, however, is the current state of television and whatever the heck the networks (and by "networks", I mean "FOX, you lousy piece of crap...and also The CW, if you do what I think you might do") think they're doing.

Have you heard of a new show that just started, called Drive? No? Yeah, I'm not surprised. I KNEW about the show ages ago and *I* barely heard anything about it. After a lack of promotion, four aired episodes (two of which were aired on the same night), the show's been cancelled by FOX, the same lovely network that also failed to promote Firefly back in the day and proceeded to then air the [majority of the] episodes out of order and on sporadic evenings.

I hear the two remaining episodes of Drive will air sometime in the summer. Whoop-dee-freakin'-doo.

In other news, The Search for the Next [Pussycat] Doll has been renewed for a freakin' second season. Why and wherefore, I know not. "Why" and "wherefore" are redundant, but then so are the Pussycat Dolls, so I guess it's appropriate.

Why bother having well-scripted, well-acted, and creative shows that tell an interesting story when you can have low-budget shows that don't require you to pay actors, writers, or any of those other unimportant parties, AND get higher ratings?

(Note: The Pussycat Dolls show is currently airing on The CW while Veronica Mars is on hiatus. The CW is noting how many more people are watching the Dolls than watching Veronica, and that is not good. At all. Back in the day, when The WB was doing stupid, stupid things to their programming, there was this other network called the UPN that provided a dim beam of hope for certain shows. Seeing as how The CW is the new amalgamation of the two networks, there is no second hope. THIS IS IT.)

I have to go, um, study and stuff now. I am still outraged.

(More info: E! Online)

veronica mars, firefly, drive, stupidity, television

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