I went to school for 20 years, and all I got was this diploma

Jun 12, 2006 22:28

Well, okay. Two diplomas, technically. And one of them I'm not getting until tomorrow at my university convocation ceremony, which I'm sure will be anti-climactic after all these years of educational, stressful, self-doubting and self-affirming student-being. Hmm. Anyway, I suppose it'll be nice to go back to my alma mater one last time to celebrate my illustrious long academic career and see my Commerce friends all together again, assuming they all show up. Anyway, yay! I'm convocating! w00t. :)

This past year I've finally figured out why it is that people older than myself don't seem to like popular music very much. I always assumed it was because as we all get older, we just don't care about music and keeping up with current tastes as much as we used to when we were younger, and I figured that I would always care about music and hence always be able to enjoy current musical trends. I think I was wrong. It isn't the people who change; it's the music. I still love music just as much as I ever have, but I suddenly find that most of what I hear on the radio these days and most of the artists that get nominated for awards on MuchMusic or MTV are either people I've never heard of or people I don't like very much. Suddenly, I seem to be listing to "adult alternative", or "soft rock", or "easy listening", or "classic rock", or whatever the heck you call this stuff anyway. Hell, I even listen to more showtunes than I used to. There are still songs on the radio that I enjoy, but these are much rarer than the songs that I can take or leave with some degree of indifference. I understand now: it isn't that we stop caring about music, it's just that music stops being directed towards us. Radio-friendly music, anyway. Hmm. The further I get into my twenties, the stranger everything gets. My world view, it is shaken.

I went to see the Lord of the Rings musical last week, and I could say more about it but I'm feeling rather lazy right now. So I'll just keep it to two comments, I think:
(1) There weren't that many songs in this musical, really. And I'm not altogether convinced that they used as much time as they had to make sure that this show was as top-notch as it could be. I mean, the songs were decent and the dancing and such was well-choreographed, but...still. The whole reason this show opened in Toronto was because all the London theaters are full-up right now, but couldn't the production have just taken more time to put together really, really well, and then open up at a later time when the London theaters become free? I mean, if they were concerned that they'd lose their audience if they took too long, I think they were misguided to do so -- those hardcore Ringers aren't going to go anywhere. I guess it's possible they thought they'd lose the common non-obsessive folk if they waited, but still.
(2) Saruman gets killed by Bill Ferny? BILL FERNY? In an almost-unintentional manner? Gah! (Bill Ferny, as far as I'm concerned, is not a major character in any way. The Hobbits buy a pony from Bill Ferny in Bree [and hence name the pony after him] and he's a spy of Saruman, but other than that he doesn't matter much at all. Which is why it's kind of insulting for a villain like Saruman to be offed accidentally by him. Blaah.)

Yes, I am a geek. Why do you ask?

fandom, reviews, geek, academics, lotr, music

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