Googe image meme

Apr 01, 2005 03:28

Go to Google and search images. Type in the following things.
Pick your favourite and post them in your journal.

1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
2. Your mother's middle name.
3. Your favourite color.
4. The place you lost your virginity (someone's house, their car, your bed, the woods, etc.) or would like to lose your virginity if you haven't.
5. A bad habit of yours.
6. Your favourite fruit or vegetable.
7. Your favourite animal.
8. The last name of your kingergarten teacher.
9. The name of a pet.
10. Your favourite band.

Number, label, and post the answers in an lj-cut.

1. 23

2. Jane

3. purple

4. The Hourglass Nebula

5. Sleeping late

6. Strawberry (I guess)

7. Zebra

8. Miliaris (or however you spell it)

9. Einstein

10. Savage Garden (no longer existing) / Our Lady Peace (existing)


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