(no subject)

Sep 17, 2007 22:06

Saw this on kumu2345's journal and decided to give it a try.
Choose twelve characters from your fandoms, then answer the questions under the link. Do not look at the questions beforehand.

One: Edward Rutledge
Two: John Dickinson
Three: Dr. Lyman Hall
Four: Charles Thomson
Five: John Adams
Six: Thomas Jefferson 
Seven: Benedict Arnold
Eight: Sarah Phillips
Nine: Lafayette
Ten: Abby Adams
Eleven: Martha Jefferson
Twelve: George Washington

Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to?
TJ/ MJ! Uhhhhhh.... YEAH!!!!

Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
He's cute, but not hot.

What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? 
If twelve got eight pregnant ...... WHOA!!!!!! Well...ah....ummmmm.... Washington's obviously not sterile and  Arnold would freak? I do not know!

Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine? 
Only two, a Washington/ Lafeytte one and one on Fanfiction.net.

Would Two and Six make a good couple?
Would John Dickinson/ Thomas Jefferson make a good couple? Yeah.. for a Romeo & Juliet fic!

Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why?
 John Adams/ Abby Adams because John Adams/ Lafayette is just plain wierd.

What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
WTF?!!!!! I don't know, it probably would never happen!!!

Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic.
Lyman Hall/ Abby Adams fic. Simple. Abby cheats on John with Dr. Hall. I have no idea why.

Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
Edward Rutledge/ Sarah Phillips fluff? No, and there never will be.

Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic.
Benedict Arnold/ George Washington fic! Arnold sends letters to Washington trying to explain why he betryed him. Does that work?

What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
Easy, Thomson says no to Rutledge. Works every time.

Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
Who doesn't?

Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?

Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
I don't think so.

Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?
John Dickinson/ Charles Thompson/ John Adams. Yeah, maybe. I like that one.

What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
I don't know maybe "John"? Assuming she is having sex with her husband.

If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose?
"Because of You". I think it fits the Arnold/Sarah pairing.

If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be?
Rutledge/ Jefferson/ Washington? Confusing and lots of the man-whore.

What might be a good pick-up line for Two to use on Ten?
"I prefer New Englanders, especially when they are from Massachusetts."  Man that is bad!

When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
About two minutes ago. I re-read the high school story.

What is Six's super-sekrit kink?
Hmmm.... well, I know he likes to corner Adams on staircases. That's pretty much it.

Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
Would Martha shag Lafayette?! Never!!!!

If Three and Seven get together, who tops?
Probably Arnold.

"One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.

"Rutledge and Lafayette (WTH?)  are in a happy relationship until Lafayette runs off with Thomson (?). Rutledge, broken-hearted (like that ever happens), has a hot one-night stand with Martha Jefferson (Ohhh, I like that... why do I like that?) and a brief unhappy affair with Washington ( I am so lost), then follows the wise advice of John Adams ( that's better) and finds true love with Lyman Hall. Awwwww, I like the ending. I would probably name this fic "Sense and Sensibility". Halls_Mistress, Ink_n_Imp and kumu2345 would probably read it.
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