Note's to Self
Ending must be happy
No deaths
Suicide attempt
Rutledge could be misled into believing something about Hall ( Hall is seeing someone else; Hall has abandoned him after he hurt Adams ( gotta develop a relationship between Hall and Adams); still working on possible ideas) and becomes depressed (no physical harm)
Hall is misled into believing something about Rutledge
Same as above (#2) but Rutledge commits self-mutilation (NO,NO,NO!!!!!! To lazy to erase it.)
Feelings of betrayal, thinks relationship is over when Hall decides to vote for independence. Vote somehow becomes endangered and Rutledge returns at last minute to save it.
Hall is torn between his lover ( Rutledge) and his friend ( Adams) after the fight, fears losing his lover after Hancock decides punishment ( must think of one)
Fears Rutledge has deserted him when he decides to vote for independence, more sadness
Hall is very upset over the fight, falls ill, Rutledge ( who has been punished) is his only reason to live, can't live without him
I am out of ideas. Need to decide on a punishment for Neddy.