Sep 23, 2010 11:29
I should have done this sooner, but I wanted to first thank-you for not removing me from your friends list, and second, explain why I have not been on LJ in over a year. First of all there was some serious computer crashing, followed by epic voice control failure. However, there was a brief interlude of about a day where we totally rocked out a Can't Stop The Serenity screening, and raised some funds for Equality Now. Now, back to my absence, voice control continued to be evil, and lucky me, I caught H1N1, which progressed into pneumonia, and had large amounts of fluid in my lungs until about February. That is just the tip of the iceburg. Most of you know I have severe health problems, and this year I also had some personal problems to deal with.
I missed you all terribly, and felt horrible for not being able to fulfill any online obligations. I will explain further, but not in a public post. Also, just so everyone knows, I'm currently primarily communicating via assistants, so I may be a little slow.
To those who accept my explanation and apology you know I love you. Peace always,
And for my sanity, comments on this post will be screened.