TITLE: Rescue Mission Prologue/?
juliet316FANDOM: Doctor Who/Torchwood
SPOILERS: Very very AU where Nine never regenerated in Parting of the Ways. May contain elements of Seasons Two, Three, and Four and Torchwood Seasons 1 and Two *DOES NOT CONTAIN CHILDREN OF EARTH SPOILERS!*
SUMMARY: After a losing two years of memories in a 'car accident,' Rose realizes she lost more than she ever thought possible. (Nine/Rose implied) Challenge response to the following quote at the
quote_inspiredLJ community:
"Nobody has ever done this before."
"That's why it's going to work." (The Matrix)
DISCLAIMER: Doctor Who and Torchwood are owned by the BBC. The characters featured in this story were created by Russell T. Davies. I make no money off of them.
DISTRIBUTION: FF.NET, WWOMB. Anywhere else, please ask
She stalked down the hallways, heels echoing down on the titles. The foul mood was evident on her face and the way she moved. The few people who were out in the halls seemed to notice this, as they scrambled to move as far out of her way as possible. Most pitied the few that ended up inadvertently in her path.
She made her way down into a special laboratory. There she saw two bodies encased in cryo - units; a male and female. Both were in the chambers as a result of their injuries from being targets for capture and imprisonment. The plan to catch them worked, but the results were massive injuries to both beings. It was quite possible that the male had suffered fatal ones, which would be very bad to the organization as he had been the primary target. His death would cost them the ability to look inside his ship, which they also had in custody.
"Report" the woman said crisply, causing several lab assistants to instantly stand to attention. She had never been in UNIT or any other military organization, but she liked that the people who worked followed her orders without question.
One man, one of the senior doctors, stood in front of her.
"The girl is definitely human," the man, his badge stating his name was Ramirez, spoke. "External, and internal. Heart, lungs, brain, everything checks out as completely 100% human. We've even managed to get an idea of who she is. One Rose Tyler, late of Powell Estates here in London. Disappeared for a year and then turned up again with somebody matching the description of our male here. No explanation was every given for why she disappeared or why she came back. She's been seen intermittently ever sense, including briefly last fall in Cardiff. Last seen three months ago in May."
"And her companion?" The woman asked, gesturing to one of the cryo - units.
"Examination of his internal biology based on the records we pirated off of UNIT definitely confirms that he is the Doctor." Ramirez asserted, "Two hearts, the different respiratory system, brain wave activity, everything. Indications are his brain may even be heavier than a human's. Of course that will only be determined for sure through the autopsy."
The woman turned towards Ramirez.
"Then it's certain that he won't survive."
"Director," Ramirez spoke, one of the few people that would ever look her directly in the eye. "Even if by some miracle he did, I very much doubt he would survive even our 'gentlest' of interrogation methods."
She did not show the disappointment on her face. She had trained herself too well to show such base emotions. As Doctor Ramirez pointed out, there was still the autopsy. Even if they would never get anything out of the Doctor in life, they could still get some information from him in death.
"And his ship?"
"According to the engineering section, nobody has been able to get inside since Miss Tyler and the Doctor were extracted from it. Anyone that even tries to touch it gets shocked. The Doctor seems to have no doubt placed an intricate security system on it."
"Keep working on it," she told him, "and keep me updated on the status of the Doctor."
"And Miss Tyler?" Ramirez asked. "Her injuries were not nearly as extensive as The Doctor's. It's been determined that they're quite treatable; a concussion seemingly the worst of them.
"Retcon her," the Director ordered, "make sure no trace of her memory of the Doctor remains, even if you have to retcon her to the point of original disappearance. Place her in hospital nearest her mother and notify Ms. Tyler of her daughter's 'accident.' The very least, the head injury will be a perfect cover for the memory loss."
"One more thing: Toss that in the nearest incinerator, or something," she said, pointing to the leather jacket that had been removed from the Doctor's body. "He won't be of need of it anymore and the last thing we need is to leave any trace of the Doctor being here."
"Right away, Director Hartman," Ramirez said.
With that, Yvonne Hartman, Director of Torchwood One strode out of the labratory in a somewhat better mood than when she came in.
Chapter One:
One Year Later