Today I read an article entitled "Goths 'more likely to self harm'" on the BBC. Apparently, they surveyed 1,258 people. 93 felt some kind of identification to what the BBC refers to as the Goth culture. 10% of those 93 goth-identifiers had self harmed. Essentially, what I'm hearing here is that 9.3 people out of 1,258 were self-harmers and that is enough for the BBC to make conclusive evidence pigeon-holing goth kids into a ridiculous stereotype! Ugh!! Also, if you've hung out with me in the last week, you are aware of my current phobia involving Sheriffs because this town is fucking crawling with them. Apparently, they shot someone outside of my house today. I guess he was a bank robber. All I know is, I was in the shower and then there were sirens and shit tons of cops outside of my bedroom window. They blocked off the road and were there for hours. Yep. It was like the movies.