The Introvert In Me

Mar 10, 2010 12:00

If you are a serial adder, please just be a decent, kind and gentle person... and remove me from your friends list or consider my humble request not to be added. I hope I've done nothing to you to encourage unkindness from you and hope that you'll return the gentle karma and peaceful offering. You won't be able to read my journal unless I add you as my friend, so please be respectful and kind.

If you're adding me, please tell me otherwise I will not know and you won't be able to read my journal.

Best Wishes,

~ Julie ~

Close your eyes and listen

Neko Case has probably the best set of pipes I've ever heard.

I have not gone, I've only grown a little more reclusive, but my journal remains accessible to select friends who have the key to unlock the clasp and read the pages. The introvert in me has taken over, so if you want to read more of the journal, my thoughts and secrets revealed, or interact with me, whisper secrets to me and I will give you a key.

101 random facts o' Julie

• I am really not a morning person. Don't wake me up if you don't want to piss me off.
• While I claim to be not-domestic, I can cook, and sew, and clean. I just try to avoid such activities at all costs.
• I doubt that "true love" exists.
• As much as you'd like to think so, I am not Daria.
• I spend most of my free time reading. Anything from year old newspapers to books about existentialism.
• I've seen the world and made my fortune. Now I need to get a life.
• The theatre/computer crossover fascinates me. I find that actors/techs who are geeky do it for me.
• I religiously watch West Wing, CSI and and get very cranky if I miss an episode or the schedule changes because of sports. I program my VCR to tape them for me.
• I bought knee-high black 20-hole Doc Marten's when we were in London in March 1999. They kick some serious ass.
• I hate doing laundry and have spent more buying underwear/bras to avoid it than some people spend on trips to Europe.

• If I were going to live somewhere else, it would be in New England or Paris. They're both beautiful places.
• My eyes don't work together - I don't have binocular vision.
• I've studied Tai Chi since I was four. Do you really want to start something you might not be able to finish?
• I've known my best friend since 1986, and we've only had one fight in all that time. I think it was over a strawberry milkshake.
• Her mother is the one who introduced me to Dorothy Parker (her work, not the woman herself) when I was about 10.
• I have two brothers and four sisters: Basil, Blythe, Hilah, Heather & Hunter (twins), Jewel (me) and Dawn, and no, we're not Catholic.
• I speak Spanish and French, enough to find a hotel room and someone to sleep with. Really. I used to speak both fairly well, but I'm out of practice.
• I hate smokers, unless it's cloves which I love to smell.
• I prefer Bath&Body Works to the Body Shop. I'm happy that I discovered their "Happy Daisy" production schedule (June and December only!).
• I decided after I graduated college that I would never again own an alarm clock.

• I often change my eye color, simply because I can.
• I'm infatuated with Lauren Graham, Annie Lebowitz, Jennifer Connelly and Mira Kirshner…oh, and I like a few boys too.
• I like doing things on the spur of the moment - traveling, seeing shows, sleeping.
• I have a fear of flying…really, it's a perfectly founded fear.
• I collect photos of old bicycles.
• In theory, I like mathematicians and physicists. In reality, they tend to be too geeky for me. I like men that can dress themselves.
• I drink at least 2 liters of Blu Italy a day.
• My hands and feet are always freezing. I wear gloves in May.
• I get dizzy spells when I'm squatting (subway station, bookstore) and stand up.
• I have to have my feet uncovered when I sleep. I'm weird like that.

• My dream jobs are either to work at Musee du Loouvre or for Cirque du Soleil.
• I hung tree branches from my ceiling in my kitchen so I could actually hang wind chimes from them. It's like having an outdoor kitchen.
• I terrorize stupid people who can't think on different levels.
• French accents turn me on.
• Long Island accents do not.
• I have no problem waiting outside in the cold for theatre tickets for hours.
• I can't stomach the taste of beer. Love cider, though. The best thing about London is pubs with cider where they don't look at you funny for ordering it.
• Junk mail makes me feel loved. Office supply catalogs (and the Pottery Barn catalogs) can keep me amused for hours on end.
• I look younger than I am. While I'm sure I'll appreciate that when I'm 40, it doesn't help when I get ID'd everywhere I go.
• One year, I wrapped all of my Christmas gifts in brown paper and sealed them with duct tape.

• I could eat cashews every day for the rest of my life and be happy.
• I love New York in the fall, spring and summer. In that order. The winter rather sucks.
• One of the best things about my apartment in Seattle is looking in peoples' windows to see their apartments. It's as voyeuristic as I get.
• I regret having to sell books back to the bookstore when I needed to move from Northhampton . Never again.
• I'm awful with memorizing phone numbers and names. I remember experiences with people, but not their names or phone numbers.
• My hair is brown again. It was black for a while, and now it's back to normal.
• I'm impatient. I don't work well with incompetent people.
• I wear oils instead of perfume.
• I love the smell of vanilla, and will always add extra vanilla extract to recipes. When I cook, that is.
• I hang herbs and flowers in my kitchen because I love various scents.

• I quote from Broadway shows, and from Hamlet, in everyday conversation. Most of my friends pick up the allusions.
• I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
• I started playing an acoustic guitar this year after studying cello for about 15 years.
• Though I'm fiercely introverted I love performing in theatre, though I haven't preformed since my first year of college.
• I once sent Bill Clinton a Christmas gift, I got a really nice thank you care and framed it.
• Most days, I would rather be by myself than with other people. Not that I'm anti-social, I just like being alone.
• I have eclectic taste - in books, men, women, music, movies, just about everything.
• Aggressive dogs terrify me. Little yappy dogs bug me, too. I just want to kick them, but I don't because I'm a pacifist.
• Though I don't have an accent, I was borne in Virginia and consider it home.
• I dig dark hair with pale blue eyes. That does it for me.

• I prefer watching rugby, lacrosse, swimming or running to any other sport.
• I live in this cultural vacuum, and haven't seen many classic movies.
• My lifelong "geek" dream is to be on Jeopardy. I think I'd be really good at it.
• I have this endless knowledge of random trivia.
• I really don't like the ocean at all.
• I already know that I will outlive my friends, my loves and I will be very old.
• I'm hopelessly romantic. And sappy. Maybe my expectations are too high, but all I want is flowers and handholding every now and then.
• I hate crowds. I don't really go to concerts or places that are too crowded.
• I would love to own a powder blue 1950's Chevy pick-up truck for some strange reason.
• I am envious of my oldest sister, who lives in France and has a five year old daughter.

• I can sleep anywhere. Chairs, airline seats, the ground, outside, in a tent, on a couch, etc.
• I can also slouch anywhere. I tend to sit with my feet up, sprawled out across whatever it is I'm sitting on.
• When I start sneezing, I don't stop.
• I don't like coffee (it does a number on my stomach) and didn’t drink it in any of the coffee houses I've worked at.
• I blend my own teas and even thought once about selling it professionally.
• I prefer good therapy and art to drugs like paxil.
• I'm terrible about saying what's on my mind. This has caused many relationship problems. I don't have the heart to break up with people, so I usually let them break up with me.
• All clothes should have pockets. Period.
• I also have problems with short skirts, since I tend to sit with my feet curled up or on a table or another chair. I just can't keep my feet on the floor.
• I don’t mind paying more for organic food. Not the bullshit industrial farm pseudo-organic as defined by the Bush era's FDA, but real organic.

• I keep secrets, even when people tell them to me expecting me to share them.
• I know why the sky is blue.
• New York City and Seattle have the best looking men. All of whom I am terrified to approach.
• I sang backup vocals in a Cocteau Twins type band for about a year.
• I can't think of anyone that I really hate. There are people that annoy me, but not to the point of outright hatred. Indifference, sure.
• My old apartment was nicknamed the The Chelsea Hotel by my friend Alex (after the famous NYC hotel) because I was always playing Leonard Cohen's music. He wrote a song about the Chelsea.
• Yes, I do yoga.
• I won a young playwrites contest when I was 14. The play was about an egg and a piece of lettuce facing their mortality in the fridge. It's cute.
• I reached the point in my life that I shop from Anthropologie and Sundance.
• If I sleep more than six hours a day, I'm tired for the rest of the day.

• I don't tan, I burn.
• I've never worked in the fast food industry, and I never plan to. The closest I came was working for a coffee house that sold sandwiches.
• Did I mention that all I do is read?
• I usually always wear skirts or dresses.
• I tend to contradict myself a lot. I love good irony.
• I've started contemplating looking for a house just because I need more closet space.
• Although everyone is supposed to fit in in the East Village, I don't.
• In Internet time, I'm old - I've been online since 1992.
• I take showers at night because I'm not coherent when I wake up.
• I go for weeks without doing laundry, and have even paid services to do it for me.

• I often go to book readings by myself...

:::Be gentle with yourself so that you can be gentle with others:::